
The Nichols Stallion 45! THE KING OF THE DIE-CAST CAP
The Nichols Stallion 45 MK-II toy Cap Gun is one
of the best Cap Guns ever and certainly one of the most famous toy cap pistols
ever made—proclaimed by experts as the finest die-cast toy cap pistol the
world has ever seen! Collectors of Cap Guns the world over collect this one. A
beautiful example of a Colt 45 Peacemaker. For sheer raw beauty and fine
workmanship, this famous Cap Gun just can't be beat. It also had a wonderful
silver and blue hinged box that in itself is quite valuable. For goodness'
sake, if you have a Stallion 45 MK-II box, then put it by itself and take care
of it!!! Even the reproduction boxes like Dan and Karen Dozier make are very
valuable. There were actually a couple of versions of the boxes, and this Cap
Gun also came boxed with a Dyna-Mite! A PERFECT original G-45 box is
worth about as much as a used car! Please send me yours, as my G-45 has just a
normal box. Uncle Talley: What were you thinking???

 This BRAND NEW (totally unused) Nichols Stallion 45 MK-II Cap Gun
was given to the author by Talley Nichols, the beautiful case by my
son. |
MK-II. |
purposefully made these "thumbnails" small enough that you will be forced to
click on them to see them full-sized. The full-sized drawings are simply too
good! Many thanks to our friend Rodney Timms for drawing them. He's pretty
doggone good. By the way, if you want to know what in the world is the
difference between the two drawings, well I had to ask myself. It's the little
pusher spring for the pawl. It's a different spring and located in a different

Stallion 45 Mark II Story by Jed Niederer
 It was my 9th birthday, June 6, 1957 in Longview,
Washington. When I awoke that morning I rolled out of bed and played with my
Collie Dog, Prince, who always slept on the round, rag rug on the wood floor
next to my bed. Soon I began to dress for my last day of the 3rd grade. After
pulling on my blue jeans, black cowboy boots and a white T-Shirt, we walked
together down the wide hall, Prince and I, to the kitchen for breakfast as
usual. But something was different today. Mom and Dad stood in the kitchen with
big smiles and shouted, "Happy Birthday!" "Come into the living room", my dad
said. So, I made turned away from the kitchen and walked straight into the
sunlit family room. My parents followed me in. There on the Danish Modern (very
popular furniture in 1957) couch under the huge mirror was a big box wrapped in
red paper and secured with wide, white ribbon. My mom said smiling, "Open it
up, son."
 I was quite surprised by all this. I really didn't know what to
expect. I hadn't asked for anything for my birthday. But I tore into the
wrapping paper on the box just the same. With the paper and ribbon strewn
everywhere, I carefully lifted the lid…
 …I was
shocked! Inside the sturdy cardboard box was a light brown leather, beautifully
scrolled, dual holster set holding two Stallion 45 Mark II cap pistols. The
pistols were bright silver with smooth, shiny, white pearlescent grips. I'd
never seen or even dreamed of anything this glorious! There were little round,
red and silver buttons encasing silver "N"s at the top of each side of the
white grips.
 My father helped me pull one of the 45's from its holster and we
began to carefully handle it and admire it together. He showed me how the
cylinder cover opened to reveal the bullets. He deftly popped one out by
pushing the ejector rod and he pulled the bullet pat. I was so excited I could
hardly speak. Prince was excited too and wanted to see, so I helped him smell
the package with all its precious and still unbelievable contents.
 Then my dad and mom began to tell the
 During the month before, they had been on a short trip to
Portland, Oregon - not far from our home in Longview. They happened upon the
Nichols pistols set in a Portland department store. They marveled at the
workmanship, realism and sheer beauty of the Stallion 45 Mark IIs. "Mother,
let's get this for Jed's birthday!" my dad whispered to my mother and she
 They proceeded to make the purchase and took it back their
hotel. They laid the treasures across the bed admiring the authenticity,
exquisite beauty and quality workmanship of the pistols and the finely tooled
and well-made holsters.
 The hotel doorbell rang and my dad opened it for
their room service order. The waiter brought in the tray and looked at the bed.
He stood up straight abruptly and asked, "Are you with the FBI, sir? My dad
laughed and asked, "Why would you ask that? Oh, you mean the guns?" "Yes, sir",
the waiter replied.
 "Oh they're not real. Here, let me show you." Dad told him. Even
as my father explained to the waiter that they were really just toys, the
waiter found it hard to fathom. Dad ejected the zinc & brass bullets from
the cylinder and explained how they worked with round caps. But the waiter
wasn't completely convinced - those guns sure looked and worked like the real
 While my dad was telling me about their Portland adventure, with
my mother confirming, I was pawing over my new treasures - feeling and smelling
the leather holsters and hefting the Stallion 45 Mark IIs. Never mind
breakfast… …and too soon it came time to ride my Schwinn Jaguar Mark
II bicycle to school. Poor Prince, the wonder dog, had to stay at home. But he
was actually the lucky one - he was with our new pistols!
 It was the last
day of school. I was completing the 3rd grade! But all I could think about the
whole day long was what awaited me at home - realistic pistols, the likes of
which I didn't even know existed!!! I was in a daze of wonder waiting for the
final school bell. If my teacher, Mrs. Jacobson, said anything I'm sure I
wouldn't have heard her. I was dreaming the day away until I could get home.
Images of the beautiful pistols kept appearing in my mind's eye. I was consumed
with anticipation. Even recess was a blur! At last the bell sounded and I raced
home! I had never peddled my bike faster!
 When I got to my house I flung open the
back door and ran through the kitchen into the living room. And there they
were, still on the couch, the finest cap pistols the world had ever seen!
Prince ran in and joined me while I handled the magnificent gifts gently and
lovingly. Then I tested the heavy pistols outside with the round caps. Bang!
Bang! Bang! Prince didn't like that much. So, we went back into the house and I
tried on the holsters. Perfect fit, of course. It was an amazing day, all
right. And my memory of it is so vivid it seems like yesterday. The joy that
Nichols Industries, the Nichols brothers and their family helped to bring me
then is unforgettable. The impact of my parents' generosity and understanding
was overwhelming for me too. I played with those masterpieces, the Stallion 45
Mark IIs, for long hours on into my teens. Those toys taught me to respect and
care for the real thing. When I became "too old" for toys I passed my trusty
pistols onto my nephew. He enjoyed them for countless hours as I had.
Ultimately, the Stallion 45 Mark IIs found good homes, I'm sure, through the
Goodwill Industries.
 Today, as a serious hobby, I search for "Nichols works of art"
on eBay. And I have won a fair collection of several different Nichols models
to date. And of course the near mint, pearl gripped, Stallion 45 Mark II that I
happily won is my favorite.
 Shortly after my birthday in July 1957, my mom took
the photo below. I had seen the 1957 film, "The True Story of Jesse James",
with Robert Wagner as Jesse James (photo below mine). Here I am attempting to
dress like Jesse, sporting one of my Stallion 45 Mark IIs and wearing its fine


 Here's an ad
from somewhere. They did get it right when they said it was the finest Cap
Pistol ever offered. All of the books say so. Thanks to John

 Or you could go all the way
in getting your Stallion 45 MK-II and have it tattooed on your arm like my
cousin Josh. It's not every day that you see one of these at a birthday party
for your aunt. My photo. Lots of artwork, huh? Probably the only one of its
kind in the world. Forever!!!

 Stallion 45 MK-II
Click On Each Thumbnail For An Enlarged View! Many thanks to Ken Rigler for
these photos! |
Though there are several variations of the
Stallion 45 MK-II Cap Gun that are covered in Jim Schleyer's book, Backyard
Buckaroos, for space limitations we are only going to consider them "as a
whole." |
This cap pistol was the 45 from Pasadena taken a
step up and was manufactured in Jacksonville, Texas. The triple-plated chrome
is evident, as it really shines. The details are enhanced and it has a most
distinctive feature—a Nichols Circle "N" in a clear circle of plastic and
a red background. Several other cap pistols have this feature, but this one
also came with 2 sets of grips. Pearl white and jet black. Perhaps to tell the
Good Guys from the Bad Guys? It also came in a special silver and dark blue
cardboard presentation box with (of course!) 6 bullets and a clip for
them. |
 A very rare store
display for the Stallion 45 MK-II Contributed by
Jamie Linford |
Stallion 45 MK-II parts all laid out for a
cleaning and refurbishing. As stated elsewhere, one of the nicest things about
Nichols Industries Cap Guns, and Stallions in particular was that even the
average kid could take them apart and put them back together. A little
cleaning; a little oiling and they were kept in prime condition.
 However, some
dealers specialize in restorations and refurbishing.
 Thanks to
Jim Turner for the photo |
If you're one of the Bad Guys, then it's better
to see this end than the other!
 I just put this photo on here because it is the
first time I have ever seen a photo of this end of a Stallion 45 MK-II.
 Thanks to
Jim Turner for the photo |
 I just couldn't resist putting another photo
of a display rack for the Stallion 45 MK-II AND the Stallion 32. You'd be
surprised at how rare these are. This is the first Stallion 32 rack I have seen
like this one.
 This photo is by Belinda Quan from Chuck Quinn's

 A pair of really (!) rare MK-II Stallion 45 Cap
Guns. The gun on top has the same gold "Circle N" as the G-45 and is a blued
Nichols gun. The one below is more from the Kusan era and is called
"gray." Contributed by Jamie Linford |
 This is a blued
Nichols/Kusan era Stallion 45 MK-II in the "shadow box." I zoomed in on the
photo and think it says, "$3.75" for the sale price. If that's so, then it
might say, "$5.00" for the regular price, but it's hard to see. CLICK ON PHOTO FOR LARGER PHOTO
 This photo is by
Belinda Quan from Chuck Quinn's collection. |
 Here is a scan (though I've
reduced it in order that it is a tad sharper) of something I hadn't ever seen
before. This is from a 1975 Kusan catalog and the Nichols Stallion 45 is the
one with the dummy bullets. It is in a shadow box and is labeled "THE
 This was submitted by our friend Harold Utley. |
 Here's a rare type of Stallion MK-II, a black one
of the "Notch-It" series. Wooden grips (I guess so you can notch them!)
 These photos are
by Toby O'Brien. |
 Here is an
Olive Stallion 45. You will note that it has unusual red inserts, but this
seems to be a GENUINE Nichols product. It was probably from late in the
Nichols/Kusan years. I photo-edited it just a touch in order that you folks
could see what it should look like when coming from the factory. This is from
Chuck Quinn's collection, who got it from Herb Taylor.
 This was
submitted by Belinda Quan.
At the bottom of
every page is a Circle "N" Logo and when you click on it, it will take you back
to the top of the page. |

Electro-Chemical Plating |

Since this gun has been called, "The King Of The Die-Cast Guns,"
then a word about the triple-plating process might be in order. These guns were
cast out of a zinc alloy. Since chrome would not "stick" to the zinc, they were
first copper plated. Then nickel plated and finally chrome plated. Here's how
it worked. Imagine a series of vats that looked like modern day
dumpsters—all in 2 rows (most vats on one side). Down the center of these
2 rows was a LONG racetrack that resembled an amusement park roller coaster.
The connected wheels followed the contours of the track. The track had hills
where the edges of the vats were and no hills where the centers were. There
were racks attached to this chain. The guns were placed on the racks by ladies
as it was moving and the racks were in the air. As they left the ladies, the
hills forced the wheels to raise the rack up over the edges of the first vat.
As they passed the edge, the track went "downhill" and the rack was lowered
into the vat. The first few vats were cleaning vats. Then, after acid baths to
clean them, they plunged into the copper vat. When they came out (an electrical
charge made the metal stick to the guns), they were like gleaming
pennies—all shiny!!! Then after a few more cleaning baths they went into
the nickel plating vat because now the nickel would stick to the copper.
Suddenly they were blindingly shiny! They looked like chrome. But, as you know,
nickel won't stay shiny long. So eventually they went into the chrome plating
vat. A thin layer of the hard chrome was all it took and now, after a few
rinses, they were ready. By now they had circled the track and were close to
the beginning. Then ladies would take them off of the racks and put them into
barrels—awaiting assembly. Watching this magical process was one of the
most exciting events of my young life. —MN |

 Simply a fantastic set of
Stallion 45's MK-II in a special presentation box. The little plaque says,
"Guns by NICHOLS." Apparently this one was presented by the factory to one of
their special clients, so it is genuine and not a "Third Party" like you see so
often. This is what makes it rare. You will just never see a Cap Gun anywhere
that was any better than this. All of the books proclaim it and I believe
photo is by Belinda Quan from Chuck Quinn's collection.

The Stallion 45 MK-II, in pristine condition,
sells for a pile of money, but it has a sibling that is probably the most
expensive toy gun ever made, the "Royally Famous" Stallion 45 MK-II Gold Plated
Limited Edition Presentation Model. For those lucky enough to own one of these
jewels, it has beautiful pearl blue grips, a gold background for the Circle "N"
and IS GOLD PLATED! (real gold, by the way) The cylinder is still chrome, but
most of the gun is gold plated. There were less than 200 of these ever made,
and I have only seen a few. Like mine! Though Schleyer's book shows a photo of
the presentation box with the gold stripe, I have never seen one of these, and
although my box doesn't have a gold stripe...it WAS given to me by my
Uncle Talley! We have handled ours far more than made sense, but then we are
not going to sell our family heirloom. In MY opinion, you shouldn't let
one of these go for less than $6,000. |
Here are some photos of the G-45, as it's called
in the trade. Photos all contributed by Ted Dietrich |

 Here's an even nicer (and larger) G-45
box. Photo contributed by Zach Otto

 I bet you didn't know that the Stallion 45 came
in a box like this. Well, I didn't either. But Jack Rosenthal did and he
contributed this photo. That a Stallion Model 61 with it. And for you city
slickers, that's a genuine red bandanna.

 Here's the regular Stallion 45 MK-II box, of
course. The whole secret to purchasing a box is to make sure that the corners
aren't broken and the paper hinge is still intact. In all of the Cap Gun world,
this is one of the best boxes ever designed. Uncle Talley took a lot of pride.
I only wish I had collected more of these boxes myself. I had the chance, but
now it's another one of those cases of 20/20 hindsight. Most of you are sort of
in the same boat.

 Stallion 45 MK-II Gold Plated Limited Edition
And here
are photos of my G-45. Please Click On Each Thumbnail For An Enlarged
View! |
 Some Great G-45
Here's another series of photos
of a really nice G-45 set. I just can't quite get enough of this Cap Gun.
Really, the only thing that I regret is that I don't have the money to afford
another one. If any of you have a nice spare, I would appreciate it. Especially
a box! My Uncle Talley gave me the regular box, when it should have been the
correct one with the stripe and sticker on the back.
 Photos by Rich
Hall |
Please Click On Each
Thumbnail For An Enlarged View! |
 The Famous G-45
Special Box
The reason that this box is
special is from two things: (1) It has a gold identification strips on its end
and (2) it has a disclaimer on the bottom of the box so that it wasn't subject
to the excise tax at the time.
 Photos by Rich Hall |
Please Click On Each
Thumbnail For An Enlarged View! |
 Here is that
famous sticker on the bottom of the G-45 box that supposedly was to protect
retailers from the excise tax at the time. Now the main thing about the super
thin gold plating is what helps you to know that it is real.
Another photo
by our friend Rich Hall.
 This is a great comparison photo showing the
MK-II (G-45) and its younger sibling, the G-32 and a set of grips. The set of
grips is worth as much as a real pistol!
Photo by Thomas Lynn.

 This proud owner of the G-45
liked it so much that he built himself a custom wooden presentation case for
Photos by Don Raker.
 Got bullets?
Jack Rosenthal did and he sent me this photo to scan. Jack has had so many Cap
Guns and such during his phenomenal career, but most of his photos were before
the digital age. Remember Kodak Brownies?

 These two photos show
you special Presentation Models of the Stallion MK-II versus a standard mint
version of the same gun. The presentation version were hand selected and then
buffed up to really look their best! They did the same basic touches to the
Photos by our friend Steve Arlin.
 Here's a scan of an ad for the G-45 Stallion. Nobody seems to be
sure as to whether or not the G-45's were actually sold in stores, or if so,
how many. I haven't yet had a person tell me that they actually bought one in a

Okay, you wanted to see one that is PERFECT!
Well, here's one and we'll even up the "ante." This one has a hidden treasure
inside! Click on the box to find out what! |
 Special Stallion
45 MK-II and Box
All photos thanks to
Hall |

 Stallion 45 MK-II's are so
popular that people who do special restorations have even made special boxes
for them like this offering from Jim Turner of

 And finally we have a really nice Stallion
MK-II in the original box. I decided to put a really BIG photo on here, but
make it a pop-up so that it wouldn't slow the page loading time any more than
is absolutely necessary. Photo thanks to Ken Thompson CLICK ON PHOTO TO SEE POP-UP

Stallion 45 MK-II by Elvis Morehead
These photos show what can
really be done with a good Cap Gun to begin with. Elvis has revamped this
Stallion 45 MK-II to really look like a Centennial Model sold by an auction
house or something.
 Photos by Elvis Morehead |
Please Click On Each
Thumbnail For An Enlarged View! |
 And here is the same
custom Cap Gun, but with the darker grips on it and a CUSTOM Nichols display
setting. Bill calls it, "The Elvis Special."
 Photos by Bill Blecke
 Here's some
Stallion 45 MK-IIs really fancied up with gold plating and fancy Nichols pearl
 Photos by Ed DeVries
 Another offering by Ed
DeVries in Gray with the G-45 style. Thanks Ed!.
 Photos by Ed

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