
 Crescent Toys were made in England from July 1922
to the 1970's by Henry G. Eagles and Arthur A. Schneider. They originally
specialized in model Soldiers, Cowboys, Kitchen sets, etc., from lead
alloy—but later they made Cap Guns. Sometimes their "style" resembles Lone
Star and can be confusing. However the boxes usually make it pretty easy to
tell the difference.


 This is actually a pretty
scarce gun or I wouldn't be offering on this page after 12 years that the
website has been up and running.
 Photo thanks to Chuck Quinn.

 Frontier Ace by Crescent of
England. Unusual.
 Photo thanks to Chuck Quinn.

This is a virtual copy of the
Nichols Dyna-Mite, including the name! How can that be? My only possible guess
is that Uncle Talley was selling so many Dyan-Mites that he didn't want an
international lawsuit.
 By the way...what does "Silva" have to do with guns, Cap Guns,
or the Old West?
All photos thanks to
Quinn Be Sure To Click On The Thumbnails! |

 Crescent Walther PP
Here's a
pretty simple version of the famous James Bond PPK. At least that's what I
thought until a customer wrote me and said this is actually the only example of
the Walther PP. Very similar. The pictured cap gun came in at least two colors:
greenish with brown grips, and silver with black grips. These photos thanks
to Phillip Beadham |
Be Sure
To Click On The Thumbnails! |

 Crescent Colt
Well, now
I do have photos of the Cap Gun and so I will use them! Notice that this Cap
Gun has no pretense of a trigger guard of any kind, just a curved piece of
metal sticking out into the wind.
 Be Sure To
Click On The Thumbnails!
 All Photos thanks To Phillip Beadham |

 Crescent Bronco
This is a
small Cap Gun from England. I don't really know much about it. These photos
thanks to Phillip Beadham |
Be Sure
To Click On The Thumbnails! |

Here is a Cap Gun that is
basically dedicated to the lawmen of The Old West. I guess the Old West in
England would be Ireland. Whoops! That will get me some e-mail.
All photos thanks to
Quinn Be Sure To Click On The Thumbnails! |

 Crescent Rustler Laramie
Pretty rare
set here—especially the doggone box! I don't know how Steve manages to
find all of the good stuff! These photos thanks to Steve Arlin |
Be Sure
To Click On The Thumbnails! |

Buntline Special
I don't really know a lot about
this Cap Gun except that it is another one of those guns made in England.
Though there weren't as many English companies making Cap Guns, they did make
some nice ones.
All photos thanks to
Quinn Be Sure To Click On The Thumbnails! |

 Here's a Kansas Kid and
holster with a great box!
 Photos thanks to Chuck Quinn.
 Click on the
thumbnails for larger photos!

 Kansas Kid Presentation Set
This is a
Crescent Kansas Kid boxed presentation set. The guns have a beautiful engraving
that says Kansas Kid on the barrel. This is a very rare set. These photos
thanks to Scott McCollum |
Be Sure
To Click On The Thumbnails! |

 Here are a couple of
Derringers made by BCM and Crescent. The one on the top is a "Pepperbox." The
one on the bottom actually has a small cylinder and is called the "Cloverleaf."
The Pepperbox is made by BCM, but the Cloverleaf is by Crescent.

 Here is a good close-up of the Cloverleaf by Crescent. I
can't quite tell how many cylinders it has, but I'm guessing five.
 All of the above
photos thanks to Steve Arlin.
 Click on the thumbnails for larger

 Here is the
box, which looks as if it just left the box company, but where is the gun? This
is #999 which is the "Rustler Gem Six Shooter." (for the Junior Cowboy)
 Photo from
Charlie Kamerman

 Here is a Rustler 38 and
box. Quire rare. This one seems to be missing the left grip emblem. Notice that
it has a wolf facing down on the grip. As far as I know, only Crescent did
 Photos thanks to Chuck Quinn (above and below).
 Click on the
thumbnails for larger photos!

 Here's the same basic
Cap Gun, but is sure does look a lot like the Nichols Stallion 45. Except for
the wolf. And a few other little details.
 Photos thanks to Chuck Quinn (above and
 Click on the thumbnails for larger photos!

 Here are a
couple of photos demonstrating that Crescent actually produced 2 versions of
the same gun: one with the bullet ejector and one without.
 Photos thanks to
Dave Brem
 Click on the thumbnails for larger photos!

 Crescent Rustler
Here's another variation of the
Rustler theme with the Colt. This is a rare Cap Gun folks and this one is MINT
IN THE BOX. What else would you expect from Chuck Quinn?
All photos thanks to
Quinn Be Sure To Click On The Thumbnails! |

 Crescent Rustler
Here's another variation of the
Rustler theme with the Bronco. Steve says that this gun is very unusual in that
the cap box comes out!!! Weird!
All photos thanks to
Arlin Be Sure To Click On The Thumbnails! |

 Great dueling set of Crescent guns from the UK. Marc Gregory
says that the little indent in the middle of the box was for a bottle of oil
with a cork closure.
 Photos thanks to Tony Potter.
 Click on the thumbnail for larger

 This is one nice Lone
Ranger Cap Gun!

 The port side of the Lone Ranger Cap Gun by
 All of the above Lone Ranger photos thanks to Steve
 Click on the thumbnails for larger photos!

 Steve says that even though
this Cap Gun rifle is not in very good shape, it is so rare that it really
doesn't make any difference. Very few of you have probably ever seen this
 Photo by Steve Arlin.

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