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Mike Nichols
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Davy Crockett! "King of the Wild Frontier" We Texans have a special warm spot in our heart of hearts for Davy Crockett and his Tennessee Volunteers. Davy was a smart man, a patriot and even a Congressman from Tennessee. He even took his rifle into Congress. He probably should have used it.

One of the biggest heroes to ever hit the screen: Davy Crockett! You know..."Born on a mountain top in Tennessee, Greenest state in the land of the free..." Our hero, Fess Parker as Davy Crockett. (shown here with old "Betsy") Well, we Texans ALL know who he is, for he died in our Battle of the Alamo. But thanks to Davy, Sam Houston, Jim Bowie and many others, we have a state, The Lone Star State!

Photo courtesy of Bob Garvey

This is a nice Davy Crockett pistol set that was distributed by Disney, but it was made by Louis Marx and Company.

Many thanks to Brian Walker for these photos.

This is a Mexican set that fires little pellets at rotating targets.

Many thanks to Paul DeVito.

This is a very rare set, but the guns were inserted by Jim. The box and holster are rare beyond belief!

Many thanks to Jim Mair.

Here is a set that was put together by Arrow Sales Company of Boston. The Cap Gun is a Schmidt.

Many thanks to Scott McCollum.

Whomever suggested this to the staff at Disney was thinking so far out of the box that they should have put him in a box. I never saw one, but of course would have wanted it.

...and a Dart Rifle for those people who believed that Davy shot darts I guess. This was made by Wyandotte!

Photo by that generous soul...Jack Rosenthal.

This Davy Crockett clicker gun looks like it could have been made by Marx or Wyandotte, but it doesn't carry any manufacturer's markings on it.

Photo by Andrew Fisher

This Davy Crockett set has Lone Star Cap Guns and our friend Ed Manes has provided a Dell Comic Book too. This holster is an original design by Ed.

This beautiful set is from the R&S Toy Manufacturing Co Inc. of Brooklyn, NY. The guns are Hubley flintlocks. You will need to click on this photo to see the larger one.

Many thanks to Scott McCollum.

Here's another Davy Crockett holster in a similar style as the one above.

And a couple more!

Many thanks to Paul DeVito for these photos.

Here's a Walt Disney Frontierland set.

Many thanks to our friend Tom Coates for this photo.

And even a belt buckle dedicated to our hero.

Photo courtesy of Doug Hamilton

Here's a nice set of 3 Davy Crockett Cap Guns. The top one is a painted BCM (done at the factory!), the mid one is a very rare Classy and the bottom one is a George Schmidt.

This is the Stevens version from our friend Chuck Quinn.

Photos courtesy of Belinda Quan from the Chuck Quinn collection.

Davy Crockett Cap Gun by George Schmidt

Thanks to Tom Coates for these wonderful photos!
Send In Yours To Get Them On This Website!

Here's the same Davy Crockett, but in the Buck'n Bronc style and with a box!

Thanks to Dave Klahn for the photos.

Rotating Cylinder Davy Crockett
Buck 'N Bronc
Now folks, this Cap Gun is as rare as the Dickens! Notice that this one has a rotating cylinder. The other Davy Crockett doesn't. This is the rare one! And you won't see a better example! Notice on the last photo how it used roll caps—even though it had a rotating cylinder. They had to compromise and that's how they got lots of bang, but with a little more realism. This Cap Gun also has a Pathfinder-type secret compartment in the bottom of the grip with a compass.

Photos thanks to Bob Hritz - Another Cap Gun Gentleman!

Click on the above photo to see it bigger, but this is from Chuck Quinn's vast collection.

Marx Davy Crockett
I doubt if Davy Crockett ever had a rifle this good. I mean, give me a break! In 1836 they didn't have lever action guns, centerfire bullets nor fancy sights. But that's showbiz!

Thanks to Steve Arlin

Davy Crockett Big Game Rifle
This is so ridiculous that even a little kid would catch on. I mean...Davy Crockett with his scoped big game rifle? With centerfire bullets? Whoever did this should have also introduced a Davy Crockett and Captain Kirk badge or something.

Thanks to Steve Arlin

George Schmidt Davy Crockett
in the Pathfinder Style
This gun falls EXACTLY between the gun directly above and the gun directly below. It is a Pathfinder, but with Davy Crockett's name on it.

When you consider the extravagant expense of tooling up a high-quality Cap Gun like this, then you can see why the manufacturer wanted to save money where they could.
All photos thanks to Michael Sheehan
Be Sure To Click On The Thumbnails!
Schmidt Davy Crockett Pathfinder $ 485-565 $ 155-415

Leslie-Henry Davy Crockett
This gun, of course, is no more than a standard Leslie-Henry like the Wild Bill Hickok that has been re-tooled to have the name Davy Crockett.

But then again, your ring finger is very much like your middle finger and you wouldn't want to do without it, so you have to have the Davy Crockett gun if you want a complete Leslie-Henry set. Besides, the doggone thing is quite rare!!!

All photos thanks to Bob Garvey!

Be Sure To Click On The Thumbnails!

This is the same basic Davy Crockett Cap Gun from Leslie-Henry (also could be called a Buzz Henry), but this one is a single-shot. Most unusual.

Thanks to Dave Klahn of The Ten Gallon Hat.

Leslie-Henry Davy Crockett
Cap Guns
Here's another example of virtually "cloned" Cap Guns. You will notice, of course, that the grips are different and the hammers are a little different. This Davy Crockett gun is also different from the other one listed in the Leslie-Henry section. Michael mentions that these are the 9" versions of these guns.
Be Sure To Click On The Thumbnails!

These super sharp photos are thanks to Michael Sheehan.

Three Davy Crockett Cap Guns
From Leslie-Henry
Here's 3 great close-ups of the Davy Crockett series—all from Leslie-Henry.
Be Sure To Click On The Thumbnails!

The great close-ups are thanks to Chuck Quinn.

Hubley Davy Crockett Rifle
This old flintlock must have belonged to Davy himself. Probably somebody found it at the Alamo. Or at least that's where Hubley found it to make a copy. This appears to be the earliest version of this Cap Gun.

Photos thanks to Jim Fitzpatrick.
Thanks a bunch!

And here's a later 1960's version of the same basic Davy Crockett Buffalo rifle from our good friend Tom Janes. Notice how the flintlock mechanism has been "dumbed down" a bit by Hubley. That was a common practice in the "dyning days" of most Cap Gun companies to save money.

Here is a really nice Davy Crockett set by Halco. I wonder what is inside, as we only have the box!

This photo thanks to David Denton of The Antique Cowboy!

Here's a mint box and holster from 1946. All I see is "Pal Tom Ranch" on it.

This photo thanks to Donald Webster.

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