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 More of the Don Raker Collection. |
If you want your Cap Gun collection featured,
then please send your photos to: mike@nicholscapguns.com


 How true!

 If I were in his house, I
couldn't watch the TV, for I would be staring at the walls.

 In the owner's own words, "Notice the Marx
miniatures. I found them just like that. A kid made all the western stuff on
them , I just took the cardboard with the guns and stuff on the cowboys and had
it framed."

 Here's a very nice close-up
illustrating the compactness of his collection and the quantity!

 I should have asked my dad to build me some
display cases like this for my "future collection." He was a superb craftsman
(especially in walnut) as well as a great dad and Methodist

 Guns all over the walls. Roy
seems to approve.

 And...of course...more guns all over the walls.

 Though you were finished? As Don says, these
photos show his "true sickness." (Cap Gun Collecting!)

 Another corner of the Cap Gun

 At least by looking at these
photos I can understand why my own Cap Gun Collection is so small. It's because
other people are hoarding the guns!

 This is it for Marx! The
ultimate tribute to the Marx small plastic clicker guns. Notice the Marx logo
in the middle of the display. This display was inspired by a similar display of
Colt revolvers by Colt at the 1876 Philadelphia Centennial Exposition.
Inspiration turned to reality by custom framer Jim Quick.

 This is a fabulous
built-int-the-wall military toy gun set. A serious amount of work here!!! We
could all only wish to have a great display like this.

 And here is a close-up
of the rifles and the Browning machine gun. (BE

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