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Mike Nichols
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Dr. Bob (as known to his friends) is actually Dr. George Robert Peters. He has a well-rounded collection that even includes trains and other memorabilia.
If you want your Cap Gun collection featured, then please send your photos to:

(in Uncle Talley's order)


I am just going to let Bob tell his own stories on these photos. The three Texans on the right are cast iron as is the Texan Jr. on the upper left. None have been cap fired .

Santa is keeping watch over a pair of Chuck Layman 45 holsters. Chuck had to make them exta large to fit around their owner (ME).

The case contains four Model 61's which are all loaded with the 3-piece shells that I make. There are a total of 100 shells in the case and 97 of them on the top of the case. They were all finished by hand with each one taking approximately half an hour or more to complete. A lot of work, but well worth the time spent.

More shell firing guns, this time there are 71 original Nichols 3-piece shells along with 50 repro's and several of Ohio Art's attempt at 3-piece shells.

It's obvious that it's more difficult to shoot through a glass case, but I tried. The Fury 500 is a working gun and it really goes to town. There are two Stallion 300's in their boxes. One of them is serial number 000317 an early one to say the least. The Thunder Rifle and Rifleman Flip Special are unfired.

A combination of Mattel, Hubley, Marx and of course Nichols.

These are some of my caps. At last tally, if you were to fire one cap per minute, without stopping, day and night, it would take about 6 months to fire them all (over 250,000 "Bangs"). The next time you are out in Independence, Missouri we can take turns shooting them off.

A few more caps.

More caps and a hint of the American Flyer collection and layout coming up.

Caps galore.

This is a view of the Americn Flyer village down here in the basement ( Can we officially call it the "man cave?").

Of course we all know HOWDY DOODY. The plastic Emenee trumpet was given to me by my grandmother in 1951 or so.

These Marx shell firing guns are great fun Really hard to find on the card

Just an assortment but is interesting to note the the small pistols that are lined up under the Spit-Fire were sold as childrens toys (I have a couple still in the box) but they fired 22 caliber blanks, can we say "A tad bit dangerous for a wee one?"

More and more and more caps.

Another hard to find boxed Marx shell shooter this time the western style

I love these display racks they add to the feeling of being in a toy store.

Another rack with a really nice Stallion 45 underneath.

If you look closely inside the case there are two Model 61 holsters, again, Chuck Layman's work. That's it for the cap guns that are currently displayed. I also have my Father's model car collection down here. So you can see it's a great place to go to get away from 2011 and escape into the 50's.

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