Wells Fargo Double Holster Set
Here is the right cylinder area. This Cap Gun is in wonderful shape, considering that it is about as old as my average visitor to this website. Well...to be fair, the average visitor IS older, as the younger kids didn't play "Cowboys and Indians" as much as my generation. So the major Cap Gun companies went out of business and now it is "Gone With The Wind." You just don't see quality Cap Guns coming onto the market anymore that represent the Old West. Now the stupid government (sorry to you Liberals) wants orange plugs in the barrels or the whole gun to be made out of a weird color. Have they ever thought that in semi-darkness, it won't matter??? In my day, a policeman had rather lose his life than even think about harming a little kid. And, of course, little kids may have pointed Cap Guns at policemen, but there was not a shred of animosity involved. We were just little kids. What happened? I may be in the minority, but I believe it is mostly the movies and TV coverage. I think that most of the statistics would prove that, by percentages, it isn't really much more dangerous now than it was when I was a kid, but the perception is that IT IS. And perception being "reality," that seems to be all that counts. I wish we could get back to being a rational nation. END OF RANT.

Photo thanks to Jayme Beique

Click On Photo For Cap Gun's Parent Page