
This is one fancy set with foil on the holsters and the
original box with the guarantee. Not only were American (and British!) Cap Gun
manufacturers proud of their products, but they even guaranteed them. Now for
the price of a cheap Cap Gun, you wouldn't get the time of day. What's happened
to our society? Little kids have feelings too. My dad used to personally handle
the returns of Nichols Cap Guns and even sent a brand new one to a kid in
Perth, Australia once! While he was in the war, and marching through Perth on
the way to "somewhere" a lady came out and said, "Boys, would you like some
fresh apples?" They were almost mad with hunger and ate them all. My dad never
forgot the kindness of that lady and when John Glenn's spacecraft was having
navigational problems and the WHOLE CITY OF PERTH turned on their lights for
him, my dad told me that story and said it was how people in Perth, Autralia
behaved. Thank you Perth. I love you!!!
 Photo thanks to Bill Shideler |
