
 Dave Harrison has a nice collection from several
manufacturers. Some especially nice rifles and memorial guns. |
If you want your Cap Gun collection featured,
then please send your photos to: mike@nicholscapguns.com


 I wish I
could get the energy (and permission of my wife!) to hang my stuff up on my

another wall with a commemorative and a couple of rifles.

 A John Wayne Commemorative pistol.

 This looks like one of
the fanciest Hubley's I've ever seen. ???

 Another John Wayne
commemorative pistol.

 Now I am
embarrassed that I don't have my Cap Guns in some of my curio

 Looks like Mattel is
well represented here.

 Here's a
bunch of fine machine guns.

 Is that a Nichols Model 94 rifle mixed in with those

 Burp guns, Tommy guns, a
shotgun and some pistols.

 Here's a few more rare rifles.

 It does look strange to
me to see a rifle with a Lewis-type machine gun magazine on it with a scope.
Looks like a Sharps rifle in the foreground.

 Here's a close-up of the
above photo.

 The burp guns hanging

 What in the world is

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