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Mike Nichols
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In this particular case, Jack sent photos on several separate occasions, instead of all at one time and somehow I missed them. Sorry! But now we have some nice photos of his collection and I am proud to put them up.
If you want your Cap Gun collection featured, then please send your photos to:

(in Uncle Talley's order)


Ok, here's the first one, which is an assortment of a variety of brands and styles, from Nichols to Hubley to Leslie-Henry, etc. and what in the world is that gun just below that Mattel Grease Gun?

Ahhhhh, now you're doing it right. One of my favorite Cap Guns in the whole world. The Nichols Stallion 41-40. Simply a beautiful gun. I wish I could build cases like that. You want to build some for me Jack? Just holler and we'll go into business together.

Nice Hubley Rifle and what seems to be a Cowboy Cap Gun. Jack said that he made numerous modifications to this rifle, like the stock out of cherry wood and remade the barrel. Was it a Kelly's?

Here's a little ad that I "clipped" off of the photo below showing the lineup for Hubley. My guess is that it had a previous page on the other side.

It's a mighty fine set of Hubley with two Colt 45's.

You would almost think that this was one of those Dealer's Showcases, but it's one that Jack made. Those 3 bullets on the left side of that clip at the lower left look like the EXPENSIVE 3-piece Nichols bullets! Looks like another one of those "Bike Shop" cartridge cases at the lower right. I have one too! These are Stallions 45 through 22. And a couple of Pintos. And a Derringer. And a box of caps. And I wish I had one just like it!

As pretty as a picture. This is a really nice showcase. Like I said, just holler Jack! Here's a beautiful Stallion 45 MK-II, the King of the Cap Guns! You reckon it's for sale? I doubt it.

And here was Hubley's answer to the Stallion 45. A fine Cap Gun and one of my personal favorites. But it had about 3 major engineering flaws. There was a spring that held the heavy cylinder in place and almost the first time you fired it a few times, it wore a band around the cylinder. Then the front of the gun was so heavy that many times it wouldn't advance the cylinder when you pulled the trigger. Then there was the weakness of the pivoting hinge that let you rotate the barrel out of the way. By only using the standard zinc alloys, they couldn't make it strong enough that it didn't have entirely too much pressure on it and so it weakened. But it's a beautiful Cap Gun and fun to show off—but only to your best friends (or enemies!) because the more you take it apart and remove the cylinder, the weaker it gets. I wish I had bought 20 when I was a kid. That money would have been spent more wisely than into the pinball machine where I put it.

Thanks for your photos Jack!

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