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Mike Nichols
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As stated before, the Paint is basically a Pinto that has had the name changed. However, you will find that its price is much cheaper. Why? Simple. The name was changed early on and therefore there were more Paints made. However, you will have to get a Paint in order for your collection to be complete.

As you might guess, this Paint is one of the more rare ones!
Most had the usual color scheme, but this was a limited production run.

Thanks to Robert Nichols for this photo!

The Paint, like the Pinto was "Single Action Only." That is, you had to cock the hammer and then fire it. The advantage of this to a collector is that, with the action being simple, then you hardly ever see one that doesn't operate perfectly.

The regular Paint. A set like this is rare enough in its own right. Though
the Paint is not particularly rare, nearly any Nichols Cap Gun
that is still on its original card or package is much more valuable.

Thanks again to Robert Nichols for this photo!

Here is the Paint in a little holster on the card. It had the price cut off so I merely airbrushed that are back in without the price, which was probably 98 cents too. The really interesting part about this one is that (1) it is blued and (2) it is the same card and says, "IN CLIP" but it certainly doesn't have a clip; it has a holster.

This is from our friend Chuck Quinn's collection.

And here is about as good an example as you are likely to see from the front end showing the cylinder when it is flipped out. Notice the hole in the middle. This is to let the smoke from the bullet pass through. And the other hole, which would normally be one of the cylinders is where the cylinder release catches.

Thanks to Doug Hamilton for this photo.

Here's a pair of Paints in both the blued (or black if you prefer) finish and also the regular nickel finish so that you can compare them.

Photos thanks to Jim Manning of JM Toys.

Here's another pair of Paints in the gray and the black so that you can compare them.

Photos thanks to Bob DeFeis

This is a very rare example of the Steel Blu Paint, still on the card, so the gun is DEAD MINT, but the card itself has seen better days. Try and pick up one for 98 cents!

Thanks to Chuck Quinn!

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