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Mike Nichols
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A lot of people list on auctions like Ebay and while I'm no expert, I am going to attempt to list as many prices as possible for the various Cap Guns and Holsters and such that are on this website. Be sure to give me some time, as this is a lot of work.


This site was built for you; act like it!

On this site MINT will mean a full C-10. However, think about it. I'm not sure that there is such a thing as a perfectly MINT Cap Gun and/or Box. Especially boxes. Paper and plastic and cardboard get old just sitting in a vault. So MINT will just mean that it doesn't have any faults or stains or Cap Residue or anything that would detract from the full purchase price if you were buying it at the best show in the country. Be fair people. I am only trying to help you. If you see that I have mispriced something, then for Pete's Sake, tell me.

There are usually many variations of a Cap Gun, like a blued version, or a later model, or one that was carded versus the same one that is boxed. We cannot possibly list all versions of everything. Some Cap Guns and/or Holsters were VERY LIMITED production items or only given to special people or salesmen or jobbers and they are VERY difficult to price. And then there are prototypes!


Unless it says that this is a MINT price, then you will probably see a range in price so just assume that it goes from "pretty good" to "excellent." Again, this is highly subjective and Rich Hall might grade something different from Chuck Quinn and different from Judy Sinkular. But everybody knows that a rotten, dirty, rusted cast-iron Cap Gun that was just dug out of the ground probably has no value, so I am not going to even try to put a value with Cap Guns or Holsters if they are in the worst shape. There won't be any pricing on Cap Guns that are only good for parts.


If you send me a letter asking for a price for your Cap Gun, you might notice that I asked you NOT TO. I am probably not going to even answer the letter. I don't want to be involved in your auctions. It is a way to make enemies in the hobby and I only want to make friends. Though I am not the expert in this hobby like a Jamie Linford, I will probably learn a lot from trying just to help. But that's all I am trying to do is to help.


I am not going to be liable for you not getting a proper price for what you want to sell. If you think you can sue me and recoup your losses, then the authorities of an encyclopedia will visit you soon and take your picture and right beside "Insanity" they will put your face and tell the world that you had hoped to get blood out of a turnip. Besides, I am hereby stating for the record that neither Mike Nichols nor Syntropy Properties, Inc. is responsible for any prices that might be listed in this website. They are only put here as guidelines and do not purport to be accurate or anything except simple guidelines or suggestions of the most innocent type. They are designed to help beginners mostly as experts don't need my help or anybody else's. The experts already know what the market will bear. I will get better with time, but with time prices will change and so the prices on this website are subject to change without notice.


There is more emphasis given to different variations within the Nichols Industries Cap Guns than there is with the other brands. With the other manufacturer's Cap Guns, we are just happy to get good examples of some of the ones that have sold on some of the auction sites or ones sent to us by our friends. Therefore we will price Nichols products with multiple listings at the bottom of the page, but the other brands will get a simpler pricing for just that example.

Good luck on your enterprise!!! — Mike Nichols
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