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 Jim and Belinda Quan live in Northern California,
which seems to be where there's a huge congregation of Cap Gun Collectors. They
are friends with Chuck Quinn and according to him, "The Salt of the Earth."
If you want your Cap Gun collection featured,
then please send your photos to: mike@nicholscapguns.com


 My goodness! A whole wall of
holster sets! And look at that pile of boxes on the left. Belinda says these
are all character sets. Far left from top to bottom: Cheyenne, Sundance,
Tombstone Territory, "Rare" Elfego Baca, Bonanza. Next column from top to
bottom: Texas Rangers, Wyatt Earp, & 2 Tales of Wells Fargo. Next column
from top to bottom: Johnny Ringo, Rawhide, & Maverick. Next column from top
to bottom: Wagon Train, Gunsmoke, The Deputy, Black Saddle. Below the Big Chief
you can slightly see a pair of "rare" Lone Ranger cuffs.

 Here's a nice showcase just crammed with Cap Guns
and their associated boxes. Some sets out front. And all in GREAT

 I wonder how "antique" that bottle of glass
cleaner is? But here's that same showcase from a different angle so that you
can see the guns better. I don't think there's room for another

 Here's a Daisy Elfego Baca Holster issued with
the original Kilgore Pinto Cap Gun. This one is extremely rare.

 Even more wall. From top to bottom: Johnny Ringo,
Rawhide, Maverick Next top to bottom: Wagon Train, Gunsmoke, The Deputy, Black
Saddle Next top to bottom: Entire column of Lone Rangers. Note: a front shot of
the rare Lone Ranger cuffs, then to the right is Kilgore Cast Iron Lone Ranger
cap guns & next to them is a Marx's Wyatt Earp Lamp.

 I would be happy to have
the showcase! Second pic is the display case below the above holster wall. The
middle shelf with middle gun is a Carnell rare long barrel Bat Masterson cap
gun. To the left is a Hamilton Range Rider. Behind the Hamilton is a George
Schmidt Davy Crockett and behind that a Pathfinder.

 Here's the same case at
a little different angle so you can read the labels (if you click on it to see
the larger photo) and better identify the guns.

 Here's another perspective of that same wall, but
this time you can see it all. I'm curious about the rifles over on the

 Thanks For
The Offering Belinda and Jim!

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