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Mike Nichols
All Rights Reserved

Here is the Jim Quick miniature collection. Jim buys small guns and then antiques them and sometimes customizes the grips. Jim has a frame shop and his framing of the toy guns really makes them look great.

If you want your Cap Gun collection featured, then please send your photos to:

(in Uncle Talley's order)


A picture of some of his Derringer collection. With a little history thrown in.

Here's a nice framed photo of Bat Masterson and a little Derringer to remember him by.

Here's a close-up of the little Derringer and the interesting playing cards.

A beautiful layout of miniatures in a nicely framed case. All the holsters are handmade. Each little Colt pistol has different custom grips and many of the gun finishes are antiqued. This include the World's Fair Colt display.

A good closeup. Notice the detail and distressing. Jim uses a pocket knife and coloring magic markers to distress the stocks and color them.

Here's a good close-up of the top one in the above photo with the little gun taken out of the holster.

Almost looks real, huh?

Here is a close-up of the top left gun above the circle of guns. "MITY-MIDGET."

Here's its neighbor, showing that it is an Esquire miniature gun.

Here's a very nice set of miniatures, including a rifle with a bunch of studs. A lot of work for such a small gun.

Wow! What a fantastic collection of miniature rifles. You only hope to own all of these!

This is a great close-up of that Sharps rifle with the fancy scabbard. Lotsa work creating this.

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