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Mike Nichols
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Here are even more photos of the fabulous Rich Hall Cap Gun collection.
Call him at: 260-627-0584. And be sure to visit his website at:
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(in Uncle Talley's order)


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Here's a rather fine set of Nichols Cap Guns. Notice that some of the Stallion 45's are blued varieties. Though the Cap Gun in the middle at the bottom is a little washed out by the flash, you can still tell that it is a "Turret 250" which is a Tophand 250 that mounts on the handlebars of your favorite bicycle. You can find it also on the Tophand 250 page.

Well, let's see...what have we here? Why it's a whole drawer full of rare Cap Gun boxes. The guns are on the wall and the boxes are shrink-wrapped to protect them from harm. There are probably more mint boxes in this photo than most of you own. Certainly more than I own!

Now here's a drawer full of really weird stuff! We see Marx Army Click Pistols in the foreground followed by Hubleys. Click pistols didn't use caps, but just clicked when you pulled the trigger. That probably wouldn't placate today's "politically correct crowd" one whit, as they wouldn't even want a little kid to point his finger and say, "Bang!"

More rare boxes and a Buz Henry Cap Gun on the left (upside down). This is some really rare stuff. I should visit the Richsonian Institution as soon as I can!

Check out this Hubley Sniper Pistol!!! And look at that Shootin' Shell Fanner Set by Mattel. And a BUNCH of spur sets IN THE BOXES! Wow!

Here's some pretty amazing Mattel Cap Guns in their original boxes, of course. Each one of these set is pretty valuable.

Well, I know that Hubley was supposed to be my "enemy" as they were the competition to Nichols, but doggone it, I LOVE THIS COLT 45. I just think it is purely beautimous!!! This Ric-O-Shays are no slouches either!

Wow, what a set. This might be just what I need. However, if you're an adult and a collector, then you don't get to play with them. Perhaps it is better to be a kid and go screaming out of the house like a banshee and shoot every Bad Guy in the neighborhood. Ah, those were the days!

Jamie Linford, Rich's partner in crime has caught Rich in the parking lot (I hope), asleep at the wheel while attending a show. Or perhaps Rich is singing a song with his eyes closed. Pretty funny Rich!!!

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