
 Buzz Henry is a small company about which I know
almost nothing. It has been said that the owner of Leslie-Henry's son's
nickname was "Buz" and that is where the name of the guns came from. Send me
information and then 2 of us can know more about them. However, their Cap Guns
are still available and so we present them here.


 Buzz Henry
Since I have hardly ever seen
one of these and since James had such a hard time identifying it, then this
particular version, though not exactly "Earth Shattering," must be a little
rare. It's a standard Buzz Henry Cap Gun, and its dimensions are 7-3/4" long
and 3-1/2" in height.
 Thanks to James McMahon! |
Be Sure To Click On The
Thumbnails! |

 Here is a great shot of the same type of gun, but with white
grips from the rare so that you can easily see the release mechanism.
 Thanks to Ken
Wood of Nova Scotia!

 This cast-iron Cap Gun was made
by the M.A. Henry Company of New York. While technically not a Buzz Henry, they
were really all one big happy family. This gun is not really a Cap Gun, but is
a solid gun. It was made around 1942. Photo by David Denton.

 Here's a Cap Gun that you almost never see.
It's similar to the BH Wild Bill Hickok, but a little more "generic." Photo
by Steve Arlin.

 This is the same basic gun, but with the Davy Crockett name
written on it. This one is a single-shot. Most unusual.
 Thanks to Dave
Klahn of The Ten Gallon Hat.
 I'm not sure
who made all of these Range Rider sets, but the one on the upper left was by
M.A. Henry of Canada, of Buzz Henry fame. Photo by Belinda Quan from the
Chuck Quinn collection.

 Here's an unusual Well Fargo Pony Express double holster outfit
by Buzz Henry. It features Cap Guns that say "RANGER" on them.
 Photos by Jim
Mair of Jim's Antique Toys.

 Buzz Henry Lone Rider
Here is a Buzz Henry Lone
Rider with the scripted "Lone Rider" lettering on its frame. This gun
apparently also comes in a black finish version. |
thanks to Jerry James for these photos. |

 Here's the Lone Rider, but also with a Lone
Rider holster (sans belt). Thanks to Dave Klahn of The Ten Gallon

 Gene Autry by
Buzz Henry
Right View |
This is one of the smaller Cap
Guns. It is almost 8 inches long.
 Apparently the box was used for several
different models of the Gene Autry guns.
 Thanks to Ron Kelley. |
Right Break |
Left View |
Common Box |
Be Sure To Click On The
Thumbnails! |
Sorry - This Rolling Marquee Only Works With Microsoft Internet Explorer |
 Cute Slideshow Above On
A Buzz Henry (Leslie-Henry) Gene Autry Box If You Are Using MS Internet
 All slideshow photos thanks to Jennifer Jones! |

 Buzz Henry Gene
Autry Cap Gun
This is really the same gun as
above and was made by Leslie-Henry for Buzz Henry, but features Gene
 Thanks to Rich Hall for these photos! |
Be Sure To Click On The
Thumbnails! |

 More Gene Autry by Buzz Henry
I had the
chance to get some more fine photos of the same model as above, so I took it.
Besides, the views are a little different and there is a little more to learn.
This website is, after all, a reference work of sorts. (In addition to building
up the hobby!) |
Be Sure
To Click On The Thumbnails!
 These super
sharp photos are thanks to Doug Hamilton. |

 Same Gun As Above, But w/ Blue Grips
Here is the same gun as
above, but I put it here to illustrate the point that the grips came in more
than one color. The finish on these guns is especially nice. |

 And here's
a 1-2 punch: In Gold and with Red Grips! And the 3rd punch is a mint box! Beat
this! Chuck says that this is from M.A. Henry of Canada. I guess he knows.
But it still has a "BH" on the grips.
 Photos by Chuck Quinn.

 How's this for a nice gold set of Gene Autry
cap guns? The guns are Buzz Henry, and the box says that the whole thing was
manufactured by Leslie Henry Of Mount Vernon, NY. Thanks to Scott

 Our thanks to Dan Morphy
of Morphy Auctions for this photo. |
 Roy Rogers by
Buzz Henry
As I have said before, the
"King of the Cowboys" had quite a few companies manufacturing Cap Guns for him.
Here is a Buzz Henry offering.
 This is a reasonably small gun, only measuring about
8 inches.
 The photos with the red backgrounds are thanks to Doug
Hamilton. |
Be Sure To Click On The
Thumbnails! |

 And here's the same gold, but this time in gold.
 Photos thanks to
Toby O'Brien |
 And here's
the same gun with a holster from the time that's just the right
size. |

 And here's the
same gun, but in a special presentation box. The box is probably more rare than
the gun, which is many times the case.
 Photo by David

 You're just
not going to get a much more beautiful photo of Buzz Henry Cap Guns than this.
These are all from Canada and though the top one could easily have been on the
regular Leslie-Henry page, I have included it here. These guns must be worth a
few sets of tires! And the boxes? My goodness!!! I do have to wonder why the
definite article "the" was left out on Roy's emblem? He is "The King Of
The Cowboys."
 Photos by Chuck Quinn.

where would the "King of the Cowboys" be without the "Queen of the West?" Here
we have a nice pair of your basic Buzz Henry Cap Guns, but with pink grip
inserts and Dale's name on them. I tell you, just about any Cap Gun with Dale
Evan's name on it is going to be an extremely good investment!!! It seems that
there just aren't enough of her guns to fill the demand. So I see them go up
and up in value.
 The second photo is of a Buzz Henry Cap Gun and
holster, but also with a YankiBoy "Official Cowgirl Outfit" added to

 Here's another Dale Evans Set to make you drool. This is a
Canadian set.
 Thanks to our friend David Denton for this

 Extremely Rare
Buzz Henry "Wild Bill Hickok"
Wild Bill Hickok. Aces and
Eights. "A Dead Man's Hand." Everybody knows the story of how Wild Bill died.
He shouldn't have sat with his back to the door!
 Probably the
most unusual thing about this Buzz Henry Cap Gun is that it doesn't have the
standard inserts for grips.
 Thanks to Doug Hamilton for these photos! |
Be Sure To Click On The
Thumbnails! |

 Well, I'm not making so much of a fuss over
Steve's Cap Guns from Buzz Henry, as merely grouping them all together in one
place, since he went to the effort of actually sending me these photos. Steve
goes out of his way to try and capture as high a percentage as he possibly can
on any particular brand of Cap Gun. And being very competitive, he REALLY GOES
AFTER THEM! He does have one of the finest Cap Gun collections in the world,
and I hope you will visit his collection on the Collections Page. He has also
been a very good friend to this website in many ways. Thanks


 Well, I'm going to
violate on of the basic tenets of website design and that is that you NEVER
make a page where your visitors have to scroll side-to-side. But I'm putting
this photo in its extreme size on the page (if you will click on this
"thumbnail,") and it doesn't even fit on my monitor. But I want you to be able
to see (in as much detail as is humanly possible) each gun in its entirety.
It's also going to load slowly, because the photo is 2418 x 1790 pixels. That's
rather huge. Probably Steve has a monitor that big, but mine only goes up to
1920 pixels wide.

List of Buzz Henry Cap
Guns |
Gene Autry |
Buffalo Bill |
Davy Crockett |
Bronco |
Wild Bill Hickock |
Dale Evans |
Annie Oakley |
Gene Autry |
Dale Evans |
Annie Oakley |
Gene Autry |
Roy Rogers |
Wyatt Earp |
Gene Autry |
Roy Rogers |
Lone Rider |
Ranger |
Lone Rider |
Thank you
Steve for the photos.

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