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Mike Nichols
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Chuck Layman is one of the finest leather craftsmen in the United States. He creates all sort of reproduction AND new holsters for both Cap Guns and real guns too. But he also is a collector, and though a small collector, he knows how much fun it can be to have some really nice stuff. He has some Daisy Cap Guns but has really specialized in Daisy BB Guns.
If you want your Cap Gun collection featured, then please send your photos to:

(in Uncle Talley's order)


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This combination, gun and holster was listed as model 180. This set is in mint condition, and complete with BBs, oil and targets.

Here's a close-up of the BBs. Now I don't know about you, but I always liked to buy those "XX" BBs (or was it "XXX"?) that were in the reddish tube because they were EXTREMELY shiny. Daisy BBs tended to be either dull or yellowish.

Here's the box for this nice BB Gun set.

These are Daisy 179 Colts.

Original Colt Caps on both sides. (another Mystery)

Here are both Daisy Cap Guns and Daisy BB Guns. Can you tell which ones are which? Well, the BB's might give it away.

This early variation marketed in Blue White box.

Another early variation in brown white box.

Early Variation with brass hammer trigger load button

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