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Even more Cap Guns from Mattel!

Let's start this page with something WEIRD. A Mattel 1965 POCKET SHOT CAP GUN!!! You just aren't going to even understand how this gun works,

Thanks to Curtis Chute for this photo

AGENT ZERO M Pocket Shot by Mattel
Here is this same convertible pistol, but on the card.

Photos by Rich Hall of Cap Gun Toys

Be Sure To Click On The Thumbnails!

Mattel Agent Zero "Potshot" Wrist Band & Derringer!
Be Sure To Click On Photo Above!

All Photos Thanks To Joseph Nagy

Mattel "Agent Zero W" Fanner 50

This is the "Agent Zero W" Fanner 50 by Mattel. It has brown painted woodgrain grips and still has the "Agent Zero W" sticker on the grip.

Be Sure To Click On Photos Above!

All Photos Thanks To Rich Hall

Here's an Agent Zero Weapons set from Mattel that is in perfect shape pretty much.

AGENT ZERO M Radio-Rifle by Mattel
In 1964 Mattel took advantage of the SPY craze that was sweeping the toy world and produced their own line of SPY Toys that looked like a certain item that would be turned into a secret weapon. This one is the AGENT ZERO M Radio-Rifle. It appears to be an ordinary radio but can be turned into a roll cap shooting cap rifle.

Photos by Rich Hall of Cap Gun Toys

Be Sure To Click On The Thumbnails!

AGENT ZERO M Jet Coder by Mattel
This is not a Cap Gun, but it is still part of Matte's Agent Zero series.

Photos by Rich Hall of Cap Gun Toys

Be Sure To Click On The Thumbnails!

Here's an old ad off of a cereal box. I would like to have the 16,000 guns in my possession right now, MINT of course.

Mattel "Grease Gun" Sub Machine Gun, 1950's
Here's an old "Grease Gun" that was modeled after the popular sub-machine gun in World War II. I think that Mattel probably made more types of machine guns than any other company.

Be Sure To Click On The Thumbnails!

Photos Thanks To Greg Hemmer

Here's an interesting way to put a set together, this one using the Mattel Guerilla Tommy Gun.

Thanks to ISELLNEATSTUFF (read: Judy and Don Sinkular) for this photo.

Here's a way to "cheat" on your fast draw. This holster simply swivels on the belt and "BANG" the Bad Guy is dead.

Thanks to Rich Hall for this photo

Swivel Shot Trick Holster
Here's basically the same outfit as above, but certainly in a different box, with a slightly different slant to the fast draw opportunity.

All photos by Jonathan P. Sullivan

Be Sure To Click On The Thumbnails!

Mattel Planet of the Apes Cap Gun
Now here's a seldom seen variety of the gun above. Mattel made this, thinking it would sell, but when it didn't they pulled it rather quickly and so it is almost never even seen. A Bronze finish!

Be Sure To Click On The Thumbnails!

Photos Thanks To Bob Garvey

This is a rifle that I'm sure that A VERY FEW OF YOU even know about. Why? I never see it auctioned! This rifle has a Lewis Machine Gun type of magazine like those that were on the top of a biplane in World War I, but it is under the receiver area of a Winchester-type .30-30 rifle. Go figure! Pretty nutty, huh? That means you have to get one!

Now here is an item that is just a little weird.

Though it has a safety (!) when the safety is off, then you can "flex" your stomach muscles and the Derringer flips out.

Then the Bad Guys flip out too because they thought they had you covered. I guess. This little gun/buckle combination seems to be in PERFECT shape!

—Thanks to Louis Casamassa, California!

Just when I had convinced myself that I could leave well enough alone, I found this photo online and since Bob has given me carte blanche to use his photos, I just had to show you one of the Cap Gun industry's favorite trick. The "Agent Zero" buckle gun you see above was also sold as a simple Remington Derringer buckle.

—Thanks to Bob Garvey

And this is the box for this little gun. —thanks to Ken Thompson
(Click To See Back Side!)

Here's some "SHOOTIN' SHELLS" from Mattel. —thanks to Ken Thompson

To the right we see some bullets designed for the famous "Greenie Stick 'em Caps." What kid could resist not having enough ammunition and be caught short when the wagon train was surrounded by Indians? Or when they were stopping armed robbers who were just coming out of the bank?

Here's some more shells and a nice Mattel bag for them.

The back side of this same buckle and its mechanism for surprising the Bad Guys.

Oh, why not? One more shot of this weird contraption. Here's the gun that has "sprung" out.

—Thanks to Eric Zurbruegg

This seemed like an appropriate spot to put the bear shootin' shell target display. Things like this are really rare today.

Photo by that generous soul...Jack Rosenthal, one of our advertisers. If you need spare parts or repairs, just think of Toys and More, which is Jack's outfit.

Here's a whole carton of the Buckle Guns!
Photo by Jack Rosenthal of Toys and More!

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