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Mike Nichols
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Andrew is a jeweler in Melbourne, Australia. He also restores real guns and air guns......and collects Cap Guns (and ray guns). Some really fantastic work. Very painstaking.

If you want your Cap Gun collection featured, then please send your photos to:

(in Uncle Talley's order)


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And as they say............."And Now For Something Totally Different." Well, I guess you aren't likely to see anything like the photos that I am going to show you here.

It seems like the world's biggest case of "overkill" to me, but then I wouldn't know a $1,000,000 toy ray gun from a man in a gorilla suit. So, since there are quite a few people out there who collect toy ray guns and some are expensive (see: The Hubley Atomic Disintegrator!), then I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. I would just like to have him make some nice cases for me!

Another nice box! I wouldn't mind just having the value of the boxes.

And here's what's on the inside. A Stevens 25 Jr.

He might hate what I've done to his photos, since he sent them with larger, fancier borders, but I have to trim things to preserve bandwidth on this website. But here is another fancy box for a Hubley Dick.

There's no doubt about it, his case is definitely fancier than the one that Hubley sent out with it. But can you imagine Hubley charging $2 for the Cap Gun and $600 for the case?

Here's a small collection of different styles of the Stevens 25 Jr.

Now we're cookin'. Here's a Schmidt Buck 'N Bronc Shoot "N Iron. A big gun. In a nice big case. But this isn't the "BIG GUN" as you might think. Nope, it's the smaller version that is the 8-1/2 inch version—not the regular 10-inch version. Now I didn't know they came in two sizes, but Andrew tells me they did.

This Hero is obviously in one of those fancy boxes too.

Here's an interesting cast-iron Cap Gun. A Stevens Jumbo with an original holster.

Hubley Texan 38 Cap Guns are rare enough, but mint in the box is a real find.

Here's a good assortment of Kilgore Stevens and Hubley guns—WITH BOXES!

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