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 Andrew is a jeweler in Melbourne, Australia. He
also restores real guns and air guns......and collects Cap Guns (and ray guns).
Some really fantastic work. Very painstaking. .
 If you want
your Cap Gun collection featured, then please send your photos to: mike@nicholscapguns.com


 And as they
say............."And Now For Something Totally Different." Well, I guess you
aren't likely to see anything like the photos that I am going to show you

 It seems like the world's
biggest case of "overkill" to me, but then I wouldn't know a $1,000,000 toy ray
gun from a man in a gorilla suit. So, since there are quite a few people out
there who collect toy ray guns and some are expensive (see: The Hubley Atomic
Disintegrator!), then I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. I would just like
to have him make some nice cases for me!

 Another nice box! I wouldn't mind just having the
value of the boxes.

 And here's what's on the
inside. A Stevens 25 Jr.

 He might
hate what I've done to his photos, since he sent them with larger, fancier
borders, but I have to trim things to preserve bandwidth on this website. But
here is another fancy box for a Hubley Dick.

 There's no doubt about it, his case is definitely
fancier than the one that Hubley sent out with it. But can you imagine Hubley
charging $2 for the Cap Gun and $600 for the case?

 Here's a small collection of different styles of
the Stevens 25 Jr.

 Now we're cookin'. Here's a
Schmidt Buck 'N Bronc Shoot "N Iron. A big gun. In a nice big case. But this
isn't the "BIG GUN" as you might think. Nope, it's the smaller version that is
the 8-1/2 inch version—not the regular 10-inch version. Now I didn't know
they came in two sizes, but Andrew tells me they did.

 This Hero is obviously in one of those fancy boxes

 Here's an interesting cast-iron Cap Gun. A
Stevens Jumbo with an original holster.

 Hubley Texan 38 Cap Guns are rare enough, but
mint in the box is a real find.

 Here's a good
assortment of Kilgore Stevens and Hubley guns—WITH BOXES!

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