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Mike Nichols
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Steve Arlin was a pitcher for the San Diego Padres for a number of years and then, after an injury went back to school and became an endodontist. He also fell in love with the Cap Gun Hobby and garnered what might be the best collection ever. His depth and scope of Cap Guns and Cap Gun Rifles was simply staggering and he had possibly the finest Nichols Cap Gun Collection on earth!!! Now why couldn't I say the same about myself? Because he planned and I didn't!
If you want your Cap Gun collection featured, then please send your photos to:

(in Uncle Talley's order)


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As you can plainly see, Steve used to be pretty good looking, but then old age set in and tore him up. Wait, I must be talking about myself! But here he is enjoying the obvious dangers of being a young cowboy. I'm sure the Liberals of this world would have a heart attack. And to think that he grew up to be a major league baseball pitcher and then a successful endodontist. Probably from that bad influence of guns.

It's going to be hard to classify Steve Arlin's collection. I think that the word "VAST" might come into play. He has drawers and walls full of Cap Guns like some people have drawers full of so many socks. Here is a large set of George Schmidt Cap Guns!

Leslie-Henry! I asked Steve if he would adopt me (so I could be his heir!).

These are all Gene Autry Cap Guns manufactured by assorted companies.

This is a group of Actoy Cap Guns. Notice the (disconnected) stock and gun of the Actoy "Restless Gun" in the center. I think it will be awhile before I have this many guns.

A whole drawer of more Actoy Guns!

Look at all of the rust on these Cast Iron Cap Guns! Just kidding. Very impressive!

Ahh! The competition! (To a Nichols family member!) HUBLEY! Lots of Texans here. And, of course the nice 45.

Even more Hubleys. Is the drawer all of the way out?

Nothing quite like having multiples of multiples. Way to go Steve!

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