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 Here are more examples of the Steve Arlin
collection. |
If you want your Cap Gun collection featured,
then please send your photos to: mike@nicholscapguns.com


 If you wonder where your root canal money
went, it went for Cap Guns on walls. Steve is an endodontist (retired), among
other famous pasttimes and has invested wisely it would seem.

he just had to put his printer somewhere. He'll probably sell it to make more
space (and get more money) for Cap Guns.

some mighty fine rifles. The 3 in the middle are obviously Hubleys. The rest
are just leaning there like a bunch of umbrellas.

first you would think this is the same scene, but it's more to the left and, of
course, more rifles.

 These are some pretty rare ones, for I don't
even recognize them.

 Back to another drawer just drammed full of
nice Cap Guns. Charles Trois says he has the largest collection of Cap Guns in
the world, but Steve must be right there with him. (and of course Chuck

 Here's that same drawer full, but on the other end so that you
can see all of the guns.

 Just a pile of George Schmidts Cap

 Here's a bunch of English guns, a few
Leslie-Henrys and a Nichols 41-40 in the middle...along with a Stallion 45
MK-II in the holster.

 The right side of that drawer showing that
scatter gun and what looks like a few Lone Stars on the right. That's a Johnny
Eagle River Gun by Topper right in the middle. I have one of those. Got it from
Judy Sinkular, one of our advertisers.

 Crammed in with all of the other "loot" is a nice DE (Dale Evans)
holster with Buzz Henry Cap Guns. Pretty rare—and valuable.

here's what I like to see. A really nice pile of Nichols Cap Guns. Lots of the
black versions of the Stallion 45 MK-II. Those were made later in the life of
the company.

 Here's a bunch of the smaller Nichols Cap Guns. Lots of
Spit-Fires and 32's and the "other" Nichols guns.

 A good
pile of the smaller Nichols guns with a bunch of my favorites—some of the
Pasadena varieties. See that Silver Colt in the middle? And a Silver Pony right
below it. I would probably trade my piano for this drawer full of Cap Guns. And
put a down payment on a Steinway.

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