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Mike Nichols
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Hubley was from Lancaster, Pennsylvania and started in 1894. The Hubley company made some of the finest Cap Guns you ever saw. The Texans and the Cowboy were especially popular. They made guns with nice scrollwork and some that were gold. They are still considered very valuable collector's items. If you collect Cap Guns, then (besides Nichols Industries Cap Guns, of course!!!) you have got to have a good collection of Hubleys.

One of their most popular Cap Guns was from The Rifleman television show starring Chuck Connors and Johnny Crawford. It had that special cocking lever so he could really fire quickly. There are several examples in this Hubley section.

Then there is their fabulous Colt 45 that was a full-sized model of the Civil War pistol. I love it!

(in Uncle Talley's order)

Ric-O-Shay by Hubley

Right View

Left View
These Photos Thanks To Mark Leinberger!

Mint in Box

Open View
These Photos Thanks To Dave Pierce!
Be Sure To Click On The Thumbnails!

This is just such a nice photo of this gun with a holster that I had to put it in.

Thanks to Dave Klein for the photo.

Ric-O-Shay Jr. by Hubley
Here is the little brother for the regular Ric-O-Shay. I am told that this Cap Gun also makes that sound by the hammer hitting a wire that strikes a metal drum.
Be Sure To Click On The Thumbnails!

This is an even better photo collection of the Ric-O-Shay Jr.

Photos thanks to Chuck Quinn

Here's the Ric-O-Shay in gold from our friend Jim Manning.


Hubley Deputy Cap Gun
These photos thanks to Bob Garvey
Be Sure To Click On The Thumbnails!
The four above photos and their pop-ups thanks to Don Raker.

This box for the deputy (and Deputy Star too!) has got to be rare. Jack Rosenthal , one of our advertisers from Toys and More, contributed this photo.

Here's a good view of the inside of the box, with the Cap Gun.
Dave Klahn contributed this photo.

Here's an even rarer box for the Deputy which includes a Deputy badge.
Thanks Rich Hall.

Hubley Flip
FLIP was the part played by Doug McClure on the NBC-TV show Overland Trail. William Bendix played Kelly and was the trail boss.

The above photos thanks to Mike Vickery
The photo below thanks to Mark Landes

This is an even better close-up of the cylinder area of the Flip Cap Gun from the TV show. This is from our friend Rich Hall.

Here's one of the last Cap Guns made by Hubley and this one was made for Sears in 1963. Notice that the grip has a mountain lion on the grip. Mountain lion, catamount, cougar, puma, panther...whatever! But, as far as I know, it is the only cat on a grip.

I'm almost reluctant to include this set, for it was made AFTER the days when Hubley was in the driver's seat. They had sold out to Gabriel and the end was in sight for the "Glory Days of Cap Guns."

Here's a cute little pair of Hubley Stars.

Photo donated by Joe Garvey. Thank you very much.

Here is a Hubley Paladin model. It is much more rare than the Leslie-Henry version of the Paladin.

Thanks to Steve Arlin for this photo.

And I guess if all of these Cap Guns didn't keep you in line,'s off to jail for you with the Sheriff! These are from our friend Chuck Quinn. He says that it came from Hubley and who am I to differ?

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