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Mike Nichols
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Hubley was from Lancaster, Pennsylvania and started in 1894. The Hubley company made some of the finest Cap Guns you ever saw. The Texans and the Cowboy were especially popular. They made guns with nice scrollwork and some that were gold. They are still considered very valuable collector's items. If you collect Cap Guns, then (besides Nichols Industries Cap Guns, of course!!!) you have got to have a good collection of Hubleys.

One of their most popular Cap Guns was from The Rifleman television show starring Chuck Connors and Johnny Crawford. It had that special cocking lever so he could really fire quickly. There are several examples in this Hubley section.

Then there is their fabulous Colt 45 that was a full-sized model of the Civil War pistol. I love it!

(in Uncle Talley's order)

Hubley Electra-Matic and Box
Now here's one I bet few of you have ever seen! I hadn't. Apparently Hubley made a gun to compete with the various automatic guns by Mattel. This one may be a prototype or a promotion; we just don't know. But it does use 2 "C" size batteries and must fire the caps about as fast as the Nichols Fury.

Photos by Tom & Sherri Calas
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This is something that many of you haven't ever seen before. Hubley made a Cap Gun that was good for you people who wanted a "Buntline-type" long-barreled gun and those of you who wanted a shorter one. You got both. This came from the early 1960s.

Thanks to Ed Manes for the photo.

The Tall Man was another TV Western show, starring Barry Sullivan as Pat Garrett and Clu Gulager as Billy the Kid. The show ran from 1960 to 1962 and portrayed them as a little to "friendly" though they were friends, just not close "chums." In real life, Pat Garrett killed Billy the Kid and Billy was not as clean cut as our actor friend Clu. The Cap Gun in this set is a PET by Hubley.

Photos thanks to Chuck Quinn.

Here is an even better photo of the Hubley Pet that was used in the set listed above. The Pet was just a simple little gun towards the latter part of Hubley's famous series.

Photo thanks to Donnie Bankston.

This is the other side of the Pet.

This is a Pet that was apparently licensed to an Australian firm named Toltoys to manufacture. Shane says that the only difference he can see is the shape of the rivets holding the gun together..

Photo thanks to Shane Esmond in Queensland.

Gold Texan and Box by Hubley
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Photos Above Thanks To Judy Sinkular of ISELLNEATSTUFF
Photos of the black gripped version thanks to Scott McCollum
Photos of this "Dummy" (won't fire caps!) Texan by Chuck Quinn

Hubley Texan w/ Rearing Colts
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All Photos Thanks To Don Raker

Hubley Texan
Hubley made BOTH the Texan and the Texan Jr. Reason? Size. They, like Nichols Industries, tried to make Cap Guns that would appeal to all sizes of young buckaroos.

This is a very popular Cap Gun!

Photos by Doug Hamilton
All of these excellent photos above are from Doug Hamilton.

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This above set of Texan photos are from Tom Coates

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Texan w/ Longhorn Grips
This Hubley Texan has longhorn grips very similar to the original Stallion 45 by Nichols from Pasadena, Texas.

Photos by our friend Don Raker of Raken Cap Guns

A very nice photo of a nice Hubley Texan box.

Photo thanks to Scott McCollum

And here's an unusual lid of a Hubley Texan box that supposedly had a Hubley Texan and also a holster in it.

Photo thanks to Joe Brody.

Here is one of the rarities of the Cap Gun world, a "Dummy Hammer" on this Hubley Texan. Reason? Because some of the dummy states required a dummy hammer. That is, they didn't allow guns that fired real caps. So Hubley got around this (and some other manufacturers did too) by creating Cap Guns that weren't really Cap Guns. I know, I know, it sounds stupid and, of course you are right because YOU AREN'T STUPID. But put a bunch of Liberals together and they will come up with all kinds of dummy laws designed to protect us. Anyway, ranting aside, this is a rare item. However, it was truly amazing how long your ammo would last with these guns.

Photo by Doug Hamilton

Late Version of the Hubley Texan
Apparently this was one of the last Texans offered by Hubley before they sold out and went the Gabriel way. The thing that makes this one unusual is the grip. I say "grip" because it is a single piece, whereas the others were 2-piece grips, usually with a Longhorn on them and a star. These grips are similar to the Marshal on another page.

Photos by Doug Hamilton

Hubley Gun and Holster Set
This set is just another grouping of some Hubley toys. They were very popular.
All photos thanks to Mike Medich
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