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Marx has long been one of the largest toy manufacturers in the world. They have created all sorts of quality toys for generations and the Cap Gun hobby is no exception.

In addition to their full-sized Cap Guns, they even created an entire line of miniature Cap Guns—not to be confused with the small Derringers and flintlocks like the Nichols Buccaneer or the Dyna-Mite, but TINY GUNS! In this section we have Colt Army 45's, Johnny Ringo stuff, rifles and miniatures.

(in Uncle Talley's order)

This is so rare it practically doesn't exist. This is a 23-inch long Hopalong Cassidy plastic rifle. There is no maker's mark but it was made by Marx. A Very Rare Find!

Thanks to Dave Klahn of the Ten Gallon Hat

Here is the Marx Spinner (in the Rifleman style), but with a round barrel. Its receiver area is also a little different from the one below.

Thanks to Tim Tobin

Here is the Marx Spinner (in the Rifleman style), but with a hexagonal barrel.

Thanks to Tim Tobin

You're not likely to see this rifle that is MINT on the card!!! Even Backyard Buckaroos doesn't have the card.

Photos thanks to Scott McCollum, of Cap Gun Treasures.

Marx Cowboy Rifle in Box
This seems to be a pretty rare rifle from Marx. At least it is the last one (at this time) that I have put on the site after 10 years!!!

Photos from our Canadian buddy Jim Mair

Be Sure To Click On The Thumbnails!

This is a nice Davy Crockett pistol set that was distributed by Disney, but it was made by Louis Marx and Company.

Many thanks to Brian Walker for this photo.

Okay, they're not Cap Guns, but they are still part of the Marx collection and very interesting. I guess the moment the bad guys heard this siren, they would fall down "dead."

Photo thanks to Andrew Teleki.

More "non-CapGuns." But still...they were made by Marx. This space gun rifle is 26 inches long and was made back in the 1950's. Richard said that it didn't work and I guess he means that it didn't dissolve Klingons.

Photo thanks to Richard Thomas.

Marx Sharps Rifle
This was one of the famous rifles that the cavalry used in the Old West.

Thanks to Steve Arlin

Marx Maverick Rifle
This one must really be rare! I'm beginning to find out that Marx made a lot of Cap Gun toys that we don't see very often, because they ARE rare.

Thanks to Steve Arlin

Marx Davy Crockett
I doubt if Davy Crockett ever had a rifle this good. I mean, give me a break! In 1836 they didn't have lever action guns, centerfire bullets nor fancy sights. But that's showbiz!

Thanks to Steve Arlin

Marx Rin Tin Tin Rifle
My guess is that Rusty did most of the shooting. But I used to watch that TV show when I was a kid. I didn't know there was a RTT rifle or I might have pestered my parents for one.

Thanks to Steve Arlin

The Marx Lone Ranger Click Rifle
This rifle was Marx's smaller, 23-inch rifle carbine with Winchester-lever action. This was a clicker-style rifle with die-cast metal hammer. Its most prominent feature was the walnut-type plastic stock with a deeply molded, finely sculptured Indian chief's head and "The Lone Ranger" in gold lettering on the left side of the stock. The right side of the stock has a grizzly bear, also finely molded into the stock. It came with regular rifle barrels and checkering and engraving on the lock and forestock. This came in two patterns: Metallic silver barrels and factory black barrels—with and without a scope.

Photos by Dwain Burkholder

Be Sure To Click On The Thumbnails!

Here's an even closer view of this Marx rifle and this one is DEAD MINT. Is that what Tonto would have looked like if he were chief?
Photos by Rich Hall!

Here's a rifle we think is a Springfield. It is a clicker rifle by Marx.You don't see these very often.
Photo by Gary Nielsen

Here's The Marx "Mark X International Agent Set." It has a bullet shooting Luger and carbine plus about everything you might need to be an international spy. The carbine has unusual loading as the bullets are dropped in through the top of the scope. I've never seen that feature before, nor had I ever seen THIS SET before.

Photo by Bud Bortner

The Marx Lone Ranger Repeating Cap Rifle
Here is the Lone Ranger repeating rifle in its original cardboard scabbard that has been shrink wrapped to protect it. The original graphics are outstanding and a real joy to see. The toy companies back in the day really knew how to attract the children and today it surely attracts us adults. You would be hard pressed to top this in any Lone Ranger collection.

Photos by Jim Mair of Jim's Vintage Toys

Be Sure To Click On The Thumbnails!

Walt Disney presented a TV series with Zorro, which we all loved. Everybody wanted to be Zorro. On the TV show, he was portrayed by Guy Williams, who was also the captain in Lost in Space by the way. Here is a nice Zorro set that looks to be in 99% perfect shape. The photo below shows that the idea for this set came from that Walt Disney TV show.

Photos (above and below) thanks to Chuck Quinn.

Click on the thumbnail for a larger photo!

In my opinion, not enough Lone Ranger (and CERTAINLY Tonto!!!) guns were made. Although this one is not a Cap Gun, it still qualifies for this website. This is incredibly rare and having the box just makes it that much more valuable.

Photos thanks to Chuck Quinn.

Click on the thumbnail for a larger photo!

The Marx Big Horn Rifle
I will admit that I found this particular rifle on an auction site and requested permission to use it, but never got a reply. Well, that's been at least six months, so hopefully it doesn't hurt anything to have it here. And the larger photo at the bottom is from Dave Klahn of The Ten Gallon Hat. I suspect that his photography colors are more accurate.
Be Sure To Click On The Thumbnails!

Marx Roy Rogers Big Game Rifle
This rifle's photos were also requested, but I never got a reply. It is really a beautiful rifle though.
Be Sure To Click On The Thumbnails!

Here's a Marx gun that nobody seems to know about.

Photos thanks to Dave Klahn of The Ten Gallon Hat.

This is a rare MOC (Mint On Card) offering from Marx. They just call it a six gun.

It was nice of Paul Froncillo to send us this photo.

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