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 Marx has long been one of the largest toy
manufacturers in the world. They have created all sorts of quality toys for
generations and the Cap Gun hobby is no exception.
 In addition to
their full-sized Cap Guns, they even created an entire line of miniature Cap
Gunsnot to be confused with the small Derringers and flintlocks like the
Nichols Buccaneer or the Dyna-Mite, but TINY GUNS! In this section we have Colt
Army 45's, Johnny Ringo stuff, rifles and miniatures.


 Here is
Marx's entry to How The West Was Won. Photo by Tim Tobin

 This might be a cousin
to the rifle above. The Marx-Man Ricochet Carbine. Be sure to click on the
thumbnails above to see the bigger photos. Photos by Scott McCollum of Cap
Gun Treasures

 Here's a
very special set by Marx that was probably made about the time the TV show was
on. Photo by Kaedyn Limon

 Fort Apache
"Cavalry Pistol" by Marx MOC (The following are Rich Hall's words of Cap Gun
Toys.) Some of the RAREST items that Marx ever produced were the "Fort
Apache" Cavalry Sets. In fact this one is the only one of this variation I have
had the opportunity to handle. Marx produced some of the most sought after toys
ever made by any toy maker. This one is called the "Fort Apache" Cavalry
Pistol. It is cap firing & shell shooting. It is an accurate copy of one of
the early Navy Colts used by the US Cavalry. It comes complete with eight (8)
Marx shooting shell bullets & shell. The contents have never been removed
from the card. This set and original card are as MINT & FLAWLESS as you
will ever find. The colors and graphics are as crisp as the day it left the
factory. There are no rips, tears, holes, stains or missing graphics and has
been shrink wrapped for preservation. As stated above, this is one of the
hardest Marx sets to locate and will probably not become available again for
many years. It is a Marx collectors dream to have this RARE & HTF set in
their collection. This is truly a High Quality Set. Photo by Rich

 Marx Detective
This is a Marx Detective in the
standard Smith & Wesson snub nosed 38 style. It has plastic bullets and the
whole front appears to pivot down in order to change the bullets and
caps. Photos by Wendy Glover
Be Sure To Click On The
Thumbnails! |

 Here is a very rare
Untouchables Set from Marx that shoots bullets similar to the Mattel
 Thanks to Don Raker for the photo.

 World-Wide-Secert-Agent 05
Cap & Shell Firing Holster Set by Marx MOC. Hard-To-Find variation.
Inspired by the Spy & Secert Agent Movies and TV programs of the mid
 Thanks to Rich Hall for the photo.

 Marx Plastic
Magnum Cap Gun
I'm not really sure if this
Marx plastic Magnum Cap Gun is rare, but this I know: You don't see very many
Cap Guns that are plastic and are painted in very good shape because it is so
easy to chip the paint away and break the parts.
 Photos by Doug
Be Sure To Click On The
Thumbnails! |

 This is a large Marx
gun, a Single Action Army revolver that is only one inch shorter than the REAL
THING that is shown here on the top. Don says that these larger Marx guns are
much rarer than the smaller ones. This gun is a "clicker." A nice black finish
and a cowboy rearing on a horse on the grips on the right side and a steer on
the left side.
 Thanks to Don Raker for the photos.

 Marx Army
Plastic Clicker Gun
Here is the second large Marx
plastic clicker gun. It is a very rare US Army marked gun. The left side grip
is the cowboy on the rearing horse, but the right side is the unique and
beautiful American Eagle grip. Some say these were a limited run or prototypes
that were never produced. Perhaps they were in production but a very few were
made. Photos by Don Raker
Be Sure To Click On The
Thumbnails! |

 Here is
another great photo of this clicker gun from Marx. But this one shows the
 Thanks to Don Raker for this photo.

 Marx Large
Plastic Repeater Cap Gun
Here we have a very rare large
Marx plastic clicker gun. This gun is unique for 2 reasons. First notice the
large trigger guard. Second, the internals are all metal and you lift up the
entire metal cap box and trigger to load a roll of caps. I bet none of you have
seen a Cap Gun in this configuration. Or few of you! Photos by Don
Be Sure To Click On The
Thumbnails! |

 Magnificent Marx Grips
Be Sure
To Click On The Thumbnails!
 All Photos
Thanks To Don Raker |

 Red Plastic Repeater Cap Pistol
This is a unique Marx red
Repeater Cap Pistol. It is a copy of an early Colt New Service
Revolver with the lanyard ring! The internals are all metal and flip up to load
roll caps. A typical double action trigger. The box that accompanies this gun
is beautiful and one of the most colorful Marx toy gun boxes. Most of the
plastic clickers came in a plain tan box with the work Marx and clicker gun on
it. This box is colorful and suggests the 1940 era. |
Photos by
Raker, one of our advertisers CLICK ON PHOTOS TO

 This is it for Marx! The
ultimate tribute to the Marx small plastic clicker guns. Notice the Marx logo
in the middle of the display. This display was inspired by a similar display of
Colt revolvers by Colt at the 1876 Philadelphia Centennial Exposition.
Inspiration turned to reality by custom framer Jim Quick.
 Thanks to Don
Raker for these photos.

 Here's another Marx miniature, this time a 1911 Army
 Thanks to Doug Hamilton for the photo.

 Is this Paper Buster rifle
like the other paper busting guns that just blows air (hard!) through a piece
of paper and it makes a big bang, like when you hold a rose petal in your
circled fingers and slam your hand over it? We used to do that when we were
kids. You could use leaves too.

 The Marx Museum - WV
These photos were taken at
the Marx Museum in Glen Dean, West Virginia. CLICK ON PHOTOS TO ENLARGE |
thanks to J. Harold Utley |

 Marx - Johnny
Ringo - From the 1960's
This Johnny Ringo 60's cap gun
is hard to find and has a unusual way of firing: By pulling the lanyard ring on
the bottom of the grip. The caps are loaded in the top of the gun in front of
the cylinder as pictured. This black 11-inch gun is engraved and has great
grips with steer and horse heads on them. Marx is known for their terrific
 This offering is from Jim Manning |
Please Click On Each Thumbnail For An Enlarged
View! |

 Here is the same rare Marx lanyard Cap Gun, but with a box. I had
never seen the box before!
 Photo by Belinda Quan from the Chuck Quinn

 Wouldn't you know it?
Chuck had another Johnny Ringo set and this one is mint on the card! Same gun,
but different packaging.
 From the Chuck Quinn collection.

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