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Mike Nichols
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Here's Ron Eaton's memorabilia and also an idea of what a wall full of hero photos looks like!
If you want your Cap Gun collection featured, then please send your photos to:

(in Uncle Talley's order)


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Though there a bunch of reflected flash on the photos, you get the proper impression that there's a lot of western heroes' photos on that wall. Along with a bunch of holster sets too!

I wish I could find a showcase like that one. I used to have one when I had my pet store. They aren't as cheap as you would think. Lots of Hopalong Cassidy stuff here. And Gene.

Now that's a showcase! Look kind of "antique-y" to me. But it's just full of Cap Guns!

Ron, you would have a lot more room for your western stuff if you removed that stupid window! Ron has some old Lone Ranger comic books if you will look over there on our right.

More wasted space! A couch just where you could put another showcase! My guess is that there's as much value in just this view as my whole collection, but some day I'll get more.

Now folks, take a lesson from this photograph. You notice you don't see the flash in the glass? That's great! But in this case you also don't see Ron either. How many votes do we get that that's even better? This showcase is just crammed (in an orderly fashion) with some really nice Cap Guns. I see a bunch of Hubleys there and what looks like a few Nichols.

Wow, I was right. Here's a great close-up of the Hubley and Nichols Cap Guns. And, of course, OTHERS! Very nice and a quality photo once again. I'm impressed!

All righty then. Here's the same showcase, but he has pulled back a little to show us more. Get a lot of those boxes! As I say throughout this website, boxes are where it's at for me. Why? Because they are more fragile and harder to find in great condition. Of course you can always buy Dan Dozier's True Replica™ boxes. They're the best in the world. His ad is on our Dealers Page.

I can't quite tell who's putting on TV, but if you ignore that stuff, then here a swell set of BB Guns and other western memorabilia and Cap Guns. I guess his TV and such has to go somewhere. But he is going to need a bigger house apparently.

BB Guns (especially old ones) are in especially high demand these days. Probably the Obama administration will forcibly take them all from you and I'll get arrested and/or picketed for even hinting that they will, but who knows? Anyway, here's a much better angle on those sets on the wall.

William Boyd as Hopalong Cassidy dominates this wall. And look at that montage of caps and BB's! These are not as easy to find as you might think. I wish somebody would send me a couple of boxes of those old "XXX" (or was it "XX") BB's that were so doggone shiny. I used to like them just because they were shiny instead of the dull ones by Daisy. They cost 5 CENTS a tube in the "Good Old Days." (read: pre-1966)

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