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Mike Nichols
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Here's Ron Eaton's memorabilia and also an idea of what a wall full of hero photos looks like!
If you want your Cap Gun collection featured, then please send your photos to:

(in Uncle Talley's order)


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Here's a close-up of the books that we saw before. I haven't a clue as to how many of the Lone Ranger series there were, but for all I know, Ron has them all. My guess is that you won't find these very often at Barnes & Noble.

Most people don't have a photo of the Lone Ranger in his earlier years without his mask. Just kidding. Here's some statues of (supposedly) the Lone Ranger. But they just don't look like Clayton Moore to me.

I guess it's only fair that if we had Roy Rogers and Trigger, then we have to have Dale Evans too. Nice Big Horn and Long Tom too. Why is it that everybody has a Long Tom and Big Horn but me? (read: $$$)

Here's Roy and a couple of nice Kilgores. On the left a Roy Rogers Long Tom and on the right a Kilgore American. I still have to wonder why Kilgore made the front sight blade red and the bullet ejector.

Some nice Roy Rogers stuff.

Couldn't leave Hoppy out, now could we?

And now Gene Autry.

In addition to the nice Hoppy guns and holsters, we see another one of those Flash Draw Holster sets from Classy. My goodness, but that's a fine set. I guess that several people probably have one, but they are considered one of the top prizes!

Gene Autry Cap Guns on the right and I think Roy Rogers on the left. All Leslie-Henrys. The upper shelf has a mixture of Hoppy and a Big Horn.

Same showcase, just farther to the left.

Let's see if I can identify these Cap Guns. Oh yes, Nichols Cap Guns. And some Hubley interlopers. Starting from the back row L-R. Marx Thundergun; Nichols Mustang 500, Hubley Ric-O-Shay; Hubley Colt 44?; Hubley Colt 45; don't know; (front row) Hubley Cowboy; Nichols Stallion 45 MK-II; Nichols Stallion 45 MK-II; Totally weird Nichols Stallion 45 MK-II with red sight??? and bullet ejector like a Kilgore Long Tom???; and that gold Stallion previously mention. Well, about 50/50 is not too bad. What on earth is that red front sight doing on a Nichols gun? Heaven forbid!

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