
 Even more Cap Guns from George


 Schmidt Roy
Rogers Double Holster Set
Though I still think that this
set of Cap Guns looks like the Classy Roy Rogers Cap Guns, the giveaway is the
hammer. The Classy guns have a more sophisticated hammer.
All photos thanks to Don Raker Be Sure To
Click On The Thumbnails! |
 PROOF that it was sold! In
real U.S. stores! $8.85 was real money before the American people started
demanding that their Congress start handing out welfare checks and other types
of entitlements. America didn't even have an income tax at one time. I wonder
how we ever survived?

 Roy Rogers by
George Schmidt (Dummy Version)
Right Side |
Here is a Cap Gun from the
1950-1960 era, but the dummy version. The dummy version is one that WOULDN'T
fire caps!
 All you have to do is to take a look at the hammer on thie "Cap
Gun" and you will notice that it is different from others. This one is in MINT
Many thanks to David Denton of The Antique Cowboy. |
Cylinder Area |
Left Side |
Left Break-Down |
Be Sure To Click On The
Thumbnails! |

 Davy Crockett
Cap Gun by George Schmidt

Thanks to Tom Coates for these wonderful
photos! Send In Yours To
Get Them On This Website! |

 Click on the above photo
to see it bigger; this one is from
Chuck Quinn's vast collection.

 Here's the same Davy
Crockett, but in the Buck'n Bronc style and with a box!
 Thanks to Dave
Klahn for the photos.

 George Schmidt
Davy Crockett in the Pathfinder Style
This gun falls EXACTLY between
the gun directly above and the gun directly below. It is a Pathfinder, but with
Davy Crockett's name on it.
 When you consider the extravagant expense of tooling
up a high-quality Cap Gun like this, then you can see why the manufacturer
wanted to save money where they could. |
All photos thanks to Michael Sheehan Be
Sure To Click On The Thumbnails! |
AVG. |
Schmidt Davy Crockett
Pathfinder |
$ 485-565 |
$ 155-415 |

 Rotating Cylinder Davy Crockett Buck 'N Bronc
folks, this Cap Gun is as rare as the Dickens! Notice that this one has a
rotating cylinder. The other Davy Crockett doesn't. This is the rare one! And
you won't see a better example! Notice on the last photo how it used roll
capseven though it had a rotating cylinder. They had to compromise and
that's how they got lots of bang, but with a little more realism. This Cap Gun
also has a Pathfinder-type secret compartment in the bottom of the grip with a
 Photos thanks to Bob Hritz - Another Cap Gun
Gentleman! |

 George Schmidt Pathfinder (Buck 'N Bronc)
This is
an unusual Cap Gun in that it has a compass hidden in the grip!
 All Photos
Thanks To John Isola! |

Well, this is such a rare Cap
Gun and I don't want to discourage people sending in their photos of their
favorite Cap Guns, so when I had these sent in, I just had to use them.
when you consider the condition that this Cap Gun is in!!! Remarkable! Some
people collect what they can (me!) and some people collect nothing but finest.

 Photos thanks to Michael
Sheehan. |
Be Sure To Click On The
Thumbnails! |
AVG. |
Schmidt Buck'n Bronc
Pathfinder |
$ 450-560 |
$ 175-400 |

 Alan Ladd Shane Cap Gun
Click On Each Thumbnail!
 Photos above thanks to Willy Henson |
More Alan
Ladd "Shane" Cap Guns by Schmidt |
Click On Each Thumbnail!
 Photos above thanks to Tom Coates |
MORE Alan Ladd "Shane" Cap Guns by Schmidt |
Click On Each Thumbnail!
 Photos above thanks to Doug Hamilton |
AVG. |
Alan Ladd Shane |
$ 350-460 |
$ 175-300 |
 Well, by now you know
what a sucker I am for an even better photo of a Cap Gun. Thanks to
Scott McCollum.

 Here's a really nice set of Alan Ladd spurs from George

 OKAY, I squeezed it in order to help this page
load more quickly, but if you click on the squeezed photo above, you will see
an ad for Alan Ladd by George Schmidt. This is a rare ad find too.
 Thanks to Mike
Merryman for these photos.

 Hopalong Cassidy
Gold Revolver
Click to See Larger View of similar type of Cap
Gun that says, "Buck 'N Bronc" on the side instead of just Hopalong Cassidy
like this one. A contribution from Scott McCollum. |

 And here is
the box that went with this rare Cap Gun. The gun is rare enough, but I
think the box is worth more. CLICK ON THE BOX TO
 Thanks to Scott McCollum for the photo, one of our
advertisers. Cap Gun Treasures!

 Here is a Buck 'N Bronc
Shoot "N Iron that is a combination of the same style as that Hoppy gold
version, but with one of the Buck 'N Bronc grip combinations with the Indian on
the cayuse. My guess is that the gun is valuable and the box is priceless, but
what do I know? I'm happy to have any box. This one also seems to be properly
sealed in shrink-wrapped plastic. Whoever thought of that idea ought to get a
free box for his efforts. Click on this photo to see an even bigger
 Photo by Belinda Quan from Chuck Quinn's

 Hopalong Cassidy
w/ Black Grips
This slight variation seems to
be one of the more rare, as it is black grips with the white bust of our
 It also doesn't say "Buck 'N Bronc" on the right side of the
 Photos thanks to Doug
Hamilton. |
Be Sure To Click On The
Thumbnails! |

More! Hoppy Double Holster Set w/ Schmidt Cap Guns
Well this seems to be
basically the set that we see just above. The photos were a little shaky and I
have tried to sharpen them as much as I can.
 There were so many Hopalong Cassidy
products in the 1950's that I think they eclipsed all of the other Western
Heroes when it comes to toys.
 Here I present a simply remarkable set with George
Schmidt Cap Guns. At the time I have put this set up, it was still on auction
on Ebay and only time will tell what it will go for, but I think it is quite
valuable. To be perfectly candid, I don't think these photos really do the set
justice, as it is a wonderful set. |
All photos thanks to Raul Robles Be Sure
To Click On The Thumbnails! |

Here's the
same Hopalong Cassidy Cap Gun, but with the white grips.
Photos (above
and below) by Michael Sheehan
And below we have a close-up of the grip where I
enhanced the photo (gamma factor) in order that you could see (and read) a
little more of the Hoppy "logo" on the grip. William Boyd always exemplified
the True Western Ethic in his shows.

 Here is a Hopalong
Cassidy Dummy version that has white grips. The dummy versions are very rare.
Here you can see a difference in the hammer and how it is going to strike the
Photo by
Linford, one of our advertisers.

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