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Mike Nichols
All Rights Reserved


We are dedicating this Scrapbook Section to the things that don't quite have a "home," like holsters, newspaper clippings and generally everything that kids played with before 1970 (or so).

On these pages you will also find a bunch of your friends, all decked out in their Cowboy Best. Or something similar.

Short Stories Written by Our Readers

We have recently had some nice articles written FOR YOU by our readers:


"My cowboy days started in 1945 when my Grandma Janes gave me my first gun and holster set..." by Tom Janes

"Not Everyone Was a Cowboy" by Jim Schleyer

"Bang, Pow… CLICK?" by Jim Schleyer

Christmas 2005 with some of the Nichols clan in our Nichols T-Shirts. One of these in this photo was there when Nichols Industries was formed. Hint: She's standing behind me. Mom.

How on earth can you beat this photo? Except for the baby (who is holding a Nichols Pinto with white grips), everybody in red Long Johns with a Nichols Stallion 45. My family may be wearing the shirts, but his family is pointing "THE REAL THING!" Posted on Christmas Day, 2016. Many Thanks!!!

Photo by Richard Strom and family.

Stick 'em up! Here's a cute photo of Matthew's father and brother taken from the 1950s. I hope no one was injured by stray gunfire. Their aim could also be improved. Almost every boy (and lotsa girls) played "Cowboys and Indians" in those days.

Photo contributed by Matthew Bockemehl. Thanks!

Here is a photo of 3 kids playing with (apparently) Hubley Cap Guns. What makes the photo more interesting is that James Dean, the actor is the kid in the middle. It was in Fairmount, Indiana, where Dean grew up. He is flanked by a couple of his friends, maybe one of them a cousin.

Photo submitted by Aggie Hall. Thanks!

Here's a nice Circle N Ranch plaque created by John Stuart, who is a fan of Nichols Cap Guns. Pretty nice!

Photo by John Stuart

Tristan says that this is his father when he was about 6 or so. They look like a couple of Stevens Cap Guns.

Photo by Tristan Wilson

1960: 50th Boy Scout Jamboree, Colorado Springs Note the pistol cut out in the upper left. It's a Nichols Stallion 38!
(Click to see larger photo)

Contribution from Richard Strom

It would seem that even Woody is prepared to defend himself and his friends. I think this has been doctored by one of my customers, but I like it. The movie in all of its 3 versions made Pixar a TON of money and was EXCELLENT!!! Both adults and kids liked it. I did.

Photo by Tom Janes

This is a rather PACKED Cap Gun collection. I wish I had a half dozen cases like this. My collection is still inpasteboard boxes! This fine little collection belongs to Tami and Billy Andrew. I claim them as cousins!

Photo by Tami Andrew

And here's a wall of his house showing some Nichols Cap Guns. He said it shows a Plainsman instead of the Stallion 61 that he hasn't gotten yet. If you have one for sale, contact him!

Photo by John Stuart

As Fred says, "I have attached a great graphic Fourth of July newspaper ad I found from 1903 that pictures an "American Bulldog" cap gun. This may come in handy for someone's research." This ad is from the Muskegon Daily Chronicle of June 29, 1903.

Photo by Fred Kelso

Great images of Wards 1939 catalog. Notice which gun is in the Buffalo Bill holster. The Lasso Em Bill

Photos by Ron Doub

Here are John Bray's hand carved 2-to-1 models of cap guns. The Hoppy, Texan, Jr, Cowboy and Schmidt Roy Rogers. John had these on display at one of Don Raker's shows. He had them displayed with the actual cap guns. Really a talented guy.

Photo by Don Raker

Here's a pretty impressive Johnny Yuma (The Rebel) set that was put together by Paul Panamarenko. The sawed off shotgun was made by Classy products. The revolver cap gun was made by Lone Star and is marked "Rebel." Note the embossed holsters for each and the belt with buckle marked CS (Confederate States of America). Cool set for those Johnny Yuma fans.

Photo by Paul Panamarenko

Back in the 1950's and 1960's Paul Boesch (pronounced BOSH), the Houston Wrestling Empresario, controlled all of the wrestling in the greater Houston area (Texas) and the Dalton Boys worked for him. He bought a couple of sets of Nichols Stallions and they wore them down the aisles at events, shooting caps all over the crowd. I guess these days it would make women faint and throw their children into the ring, but in those days, Americans had a lot more nerve. Anyway, our friend Rick Garren presents this photo from Mr. Boesch's own vault to show the Dalton Boys in cowboy regalia. Thanks Rick!

A lot of people really love the Nichols Stallions and here's a really super holster made by Ed Manes (pronounced MAN ess) for his G-45 Presentation Model Stallion 45 MK-II. My G-45 is my prize possession, though I surely wish that we had not handled it as much as we have, for the gold plating is VERY thin. But, considering that I don't ever sell Cap Guns, then..what the heck?

Many people collect entire sets of a particular brand of gun. We are very proud that MANY people collect the entire series of Nichols Cap Guns.

However, there are display sets and collections of other brands as well.

Some of you may have overlooked some of our "Hidden Pages" by not clicking on all of the links in this website. Yes, we have the primary Main Menu, but we have intersperced "hidden" pages and "Pop-Ups." So go looking. The one on the right will pop up.

On the right we see a fantastic display of "The Restless Gun."

A simple little thing like a plastic toy truck. In this case a rare Nichols toy truck. Most of you never knew Nichols ever made anything besides Cap Guns. Well, they made sprinklers, cannisters and even hub caps. The market for rare antique toys, however, is actually quite large.

"The Restless Gun" a display from the TV series.

Photo by Jamie Linford

Photo thanks to Robert Nichols

And another unusual Nichols toy from the late 50's or early 60's. This was an amphibious car, the Aquacar. It could drive off into the lake and just keep on going as a boat, then drive up the other side and drive off. Sort of James Bond style. It was not a success as a real car or as a toy.
This photo thanks to Bruce Lameyer.

And here is the same Aquacar, but in reversed colors.

Here's an unusual Lone Star Beer display with a Stallion 38. I haven't a clue as to what that black circle in the grip is. The idea here is that you put the Lone Star in the proper place and lower the Stallion 38 and it opens it. Very strange!

(Here's the "Official" scoop from Richard)

1950s barmount bottle opener advertising "LONE STAR BEER GOIN' GREAT! CLEAR ACROSS THE STATE / LONE STAR BEER CERTIFIED QUALITY / CERTIFIED QUALITY (ON 5-1/2 BY 10-1/4 WOOD BASE) (BLACK RED & GOLD ON WHITE)." Designed By Eric W. Johnson (Thrall, Texas), Design Patent No. 181,856 (01/07/1958), Cap Gun Designed By Talley W. Nichols (Pasadena Tx), Mechanical Patent No. 2,655,755 (10/20/1953). JFO Style K-12-1. 13-1/2" Tall.

Photo thanks to Richard Strom.

Here's a small collection from John Hamilton. Definitely some of my favorite Cap Guns. He's from Waxahachie, Texas. Can you say, "Waxahachie?"

And a photo of The King of the Cowboys and one of my
personal heroes, Doug Hamilton, alias "Cotton Eye Joe."
Doug is one of the major contributors of photos to this site.

Oh, the other guy is Roy Rogers.

Can you imagine? A "Fast Draw Contest." What would people think now?
However, we had more common sense in those days and practiced personal
responsibility and never blamed inanimate objects. We held people responsible.
And the kids had a lot of fun!!!

Photo courtesy of Troy Greenwood

At the bottom of every page is a Circle "N" Logo and when you click on it, it will take you back to the top of the page.

(and older ones too!)

Let's just start with the "youngest" kid first!!! This is Charles "Buddy" Sexton Jr. with his prize Stallion 45 MK-II and a signed Nichols book, which his loving daughter gave him for Father's Day. And, of course, the T-Shirt!
Photo by Ashley Sexton. Thanks Ashley!

This is my granddaughter Abigail Ruth Marquis!!! She is 4 years old in this picture.

This is photo of Art Tobias circa 1955, grasping (and loading) his Nichols Stallion 38. All cowboyed-up except for the paratrooper boots which, as he recalls, were popular at the time.

Photo by Floyd A. (Art) Tobias

Here's a young Buckaroo, Katie, Don Raker's cute granddaughter.
Photo from Don Raker

Here's Michael and Judy Johnson. While Judy has a doll baby, young Michael is guarding her with his click gun, which you can just barely see in the holster to our left of his left hand.
Photo from Michael Johnson

Here's a very handsome Buckaroo. Cowboy Bob!!! I was asked what these Cap Guns are, and naturally I "accused" them of being Stallion 38's. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Photo from Robert Jackson

Here is a photo of young Dave Lawson at about 2 years of age. They call him Derringer Dave, but the gun in his hand sort of looks like a Ruger .22 MK-II to me. I guess the PC crowd will freak out at this photo.

Photo by Dave Lawson

In James R. Garden's own words, "I came across this slide from Xmas 1961. I was a little over 3-1/2 years old here and my dear godparents got me the Rifleman Gun!!!. My godfather was in the toy business, although I don't know what he did. You can see my gun had a light blue barrel. The only part of the gun that was this color was the barrel. I have never seen one anywhere and was wondering if you might know any history on this? (editor: Anybody?) Since my godfather was in the business, it wouldn't surprise me if he had acess to a prototype." (This is his mom.)

Ahhhh! Here's one now! Jim Turner at 9. He has a Nichols gun strapped to his side. He says the chimney behind him was built by his ancestors in Virginia in 1760.

Photo credit by Jim Turner

By golly, there's another one! Roger Turner at 5. He has (probably) a Hubley Texan gun. Though he's building roads and diggin' in the dirt, you never know when the Bad Guys will come.

Photo credit by Jim Turner

And Cowgirls!!! What would we do without them? (I don't want to find out!)
Judy Sinkular in 1951. About my age!

Photo credit by Judy Sinkular of I SELL NEAT STUFF. Thanks!

Kids used to want to grow up to be a cowboy. Some serious gear here. Watch him! His hand is close to his shootin' iron.

Photo credit by Dave Denton

Can you imagine how proud this Young Buckaroo was
when he got this photo? Folks, this frame is ULTRA RARE!!!
The boy's name is Lou Tosha from Alliance,Ohio.
He was 10 when this was taken.

Photo credit by Jim Manning of JM Toys

And here is another young cowboy, dressed up as Hopalong Cassidy. Believe it or not, I never had a complete cowboy suit like this. How much fun can you get?

Photo thanks to Larry Johnston!

And here's another fine young buckaroo, all dressed up in his Hoppy suit. Just look at that face. Have you ever seen anybody more proud?

Here is a photo from our favorite...
Toy Gun Collectors of America
newsletter at the Marx Museum in Glen Dean West Virginia.

Photo credit to J Harold Utley
(one of our advertisers!)

Once again we see little kids sporting "shootin' irons." The little Buckaroo on the left is Jim Manning wearing his Hopalong Cassidy Single Holster outfit in 1951. My age! On the right we see his brother Paul. (Oh, and of course, Uncle Bob!)

Photo credit to Jim Manning.

(L) Eddie & (R) Troy Greenwood, from 1961. They are armed with Parris Kadet Civil War Cap Gun Muskets & Bayonets, along with Bowie Knife, Tomahawk, and Packs, guarding the Northern portion of the Mojave Desert.

Photo credit to Troy Greenwood. Thanks!

Shooting the "Bad Guy" at the Fast Draw Contest this past November at the Dean Smith Celebrity Rodeo and John Wayne Cancer benefit in Abilene Texas

And to the Victor go the Spoils!!! Here is the proud winner. Bob, send me his name! Kids like this will become good citizens in spite of what the liberals say!

Ah, we have the Boys against the Girls. No matter what most people think, girls are usually quicker. And smarter and prettier. Notice the cowgirl ringing the bell!

Photo credits to Bob Terry of Wild West Toys. Thanks!

Photo credit to Dave Albert. Thanks!

Aren't these a hoot? This is Timothy McCoy, sometime before 1949. I wish I had a little plane like that--that would fit me!

Cowboy Dan Tillman on his 12th birthday in 1956. His uncle (and Mom) worked for Uncle Talley at the Jacksonville plant and his father R.W. helped clear the land for the plant.

A rough saloon with some young desperados.
The left picture on the wall is Dwight Nichols, son of Talley W. Nichols

Photo contribution by Robert Nichols

And here is a photo of 3 of my cousins (John in the middle, mentioned quite a few times in this website) from 1950. L-R: BG (Billie Gwen), John and Kathie Jo Yocom. And it's a pretty horse too. Kathie looks like she might be crying, but if you knew her better, she just might have been singing! What a voice! Happy days!

Photo contribution by BG (Yocom) Coulter

This here's "Cow Pie" (on the left, really Russell Lafond–with a Cap Gun) and "Chicken Feed" (on the right, really Paul Lafond, his grandfather–with a real Marlin) obviously guarding the Wells Fargo strong box from outlaws.

Photo contribution by Mike Lafond

Here's a nice photo, taken Christmas day, 1950, in Weatherford, Texas. The location is the home of Joseph's maternal grandparents, Dr. & Mrs. H.V. Justice, and they are in the picture. The younger boy is his brother James Pilliod (age 6-1/2), the girl is his cousin, Lorainne Justice (Kelley), and he is on the right (age 8 yrs. and 11 months). You will notice that in addition to the Western Outfits, the boys both have Nichols Stallion 45's. He says that they are the non-notched versions. Now folks, this is very close to the beginning of production of that famous Cap Gun! Notice also that the grandparents aren't the slightest bit concerned about their grandsons holding, what would appear to any person these days, as real guns. They knew kids didn't play with real guns and knew the difference. It was a different (and happier!) day. I personally think that the girl (Lorraine) looks like a miniature Darryl Hannah from Steel Magnolias (without the glasses).

Photo contribution by Joseph Pilliod and family.

Ahhh! This one looks somewhat familiar. That's me on the cake that was served at the 2008 Vintage Toy Show in Azle, Texas courtesy of Bob and Johnie Terry, the show's founders. We had a great time and James Drury, The Virginian was there, as it shows in the photo below.

Photo credits to Bob Terry of Wild West Toys. Thanks!

Gail Davis was Annie Oakley (who was really Phoebe Ann Mosey) on the television show. Wasn't she pretty?
Gail Davis was the leading lady in many Gene Autry movies
and when he went into television, he hired her to portray Annie Oakley.
This just shows that collecting Cap Guns and playing like this was for boys AND girls!

And here's the real "Annie Oakley" (Phoebe Ann Mosey). Plenty of awards, huh?

And here's an Annie Oakley outfit for the Cowgirls.

Main Office Building ~ Nichols Industries Circa 1957
Uncle Talley's office is straight ahead, front door. The engineering section
is on the far right. Upstairs is the design office, Mr. Bill Simpson in charge.
A few years later the second floor was added to the rest of the building.
There are several other buildings spread around the grounds and there
is even an airfield located on the far backside of the premises.

Thanks Troy Greenwood for this photo!

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