This Website
Copyright © 2025  

Mike Nichols
All Rights Reserved

On behalf of the Nichols Family I would like to gratefully acknowledge the generous contributions to this website, both by advertisers and also by those who have given of their time, their photos, their knowledge, their insight and their support of my efforts to give something back to the toy community that has so richly blessed our lives—mine in a personal way and America's in general, for there was a time when we had some real heroes and we went out and played our games and emulated these legends—both real and imagined. I can't help but think that those days are not really gone. Historians will proudly tell you (thus trying to build themselves up in your eyes with their "insight") that the Old West we remember never happened, and there is a small amount of truth in that. But the greater truth is that in the movies and TV shows we watched, there was a Code that was instilled in many of us that remains to this day: A Code of Honor and decency that transcends the "reality" that was The West.

We had our heroes, and we knew the difference between Right and Wrong and though some didn't live up to those ideals, I think that the country as a whole was better off with their toy guns, battling it out on the sandlots and "forts" that we created than we are now when the games have turned sour and deadly and society blames objects rather than enforce a strict Moral Code. It's so much easier to blame a toy than it is to blame an entire nation that is on the verge of completely losing its way.

There were millions of us out there who wore our sixguns and yet we had a complete grasp between the "real" and the "imagined." Now our TV heroes require a new vengeance, and blood must be spilled and what comes out of their mouths is being recited by the youths of today, instead of the Creeds of our old heros like Hopalong Cassidy, The Lone Ranger and Tonto, Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, Gene Autry and the other matinee idols who taught us to live by OUR WORD.

When I went to school we recited The Lord's Prayer and God wasn't absent from our schools. Funny thing...weapons were never used and religion was. Now we don't have religion in public schools, but we seem to have plenty of weapons (occasionally). What happened? Can it be reversed? How is our "new found freedom and sanity" working? And most importantly...what are you doing about it?

I myself am an evangelical Christian and am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ — OR — am I ashamed of the "rightness" of the Constitution of the United States of America. I respect others' opinions and listen, but our country needs to get back to basics. I served in the U.S. Navy—attached to the U.S. Marine Corps as a hospital corpsman during the Vietnam era, but I was never in Vietnam. I am doing what I can to change things. Won't you do your part too?

If you're in the firearms-related manufacturing (or selling) business, then one thing you could do to help is to advertise on this website. Our visitors are YOUR KIND OF PEOPLE. These are people who love guns and usually have the money to buy them. Running an ad in the Right Column costs less than 1/10th of a penny per day per page per year. And unlike magazines, where you read the mag a couple of times and then stick it in the bathroom rack, our customers just KEEP COMING BACK, day after day and there your ad is. We do get out the word! You can even check our statistics, as the entry to our webcounter is on our Advertise Page.

The names below are in alphabetical order by first name—just to get you to read them all and find yours. If I missed you, then let me know and I will correct that mistake, for it was an accident. It has been said that all Evil has to do to triumph is for Good Men to do nothing. (women too!) Be a part of the solution. This site represents an important part of our history and that bygone day should not perish. I do what I can, but you can probably guess that it takes a lot of help.

Financial, Photo and Info Contributors
Adobewalls Antique Plaza of Amarillo, Texas
Adriaan Oosterhout
Aggie Hall
Al Wilton
Al Wutzke
Allan Coyle
Andrew Fisher
Andrew Teleki
Andy House
Andy Petty
Armando Roggio
Art Hannah
Art Tobias
Audrey McBride
Austrin ("Ozzy") Mckenna
BG (Yocom) Coulter
Beck Cooper
Belinda and Jim Quan
Ben Graves
Ben Karr
Bill and Anne Campbell
Bill Corbett
Bill Grube
Bill Hamburg
Bill Johnson
Bill McDonald
Bill Simpson
Bill Zide
Bob and Pat DeFeis
Bob Demel
Bob Garvey
Bob Gray
Bob Hosaluk
Bob Hoover
Bob Hritz
Bob Nelson
Bob Peters
Bob Stevens
Bob Terry
Bob Williamson
Bonnie & Bud Kirsch
Brad Brixey
Brad Wentworth
Braydon Harper
Brenda Crawford
Brent Valerien
Brian Oborski
Brian Ravena
Brian Roeder
Brian Walker
Brian Wolf
Brittney Nichols
Bruce Anders
Bruce Deas
Bruce Lameyer
Bruce Miller
Bryant H. Green
Bud & Edith Dashiell
Bud & Bonnie Kirsch
Bud Bortner
Carl and Ginger Robbins
Cary Cotterman
Catherine Wicker
Cathy West
Cecil Nelson
Charles Martin
Charles Trois
Charlie Barnett
Charlie Kamerman
Charlie Martin
Cheri Basham
Chris Chauvin
Chris Cole
Chris Oberhaus
Christian Christensen
Christopher Cook
Christopher Macri
Christopher Perrault
Chuck Layman
Chuck Quinn
Cindy Long
Clyde Childress
Claus Niehoff
Country Junque Shop
Craig Thompson, Smith House Toys
Crystal Schaden
Curtis Chute
Curtis Harper
Curtis Singleton
Damon Converse
Dan Dozier
Dan Lovell
Dan & Jennifer Meaux
Dan Morphy
Daniel Denhart
Danny McClain
Dan Tillman
Darin Carlson
Darin Iles
Daryl Wright
Dave Albert
Dave Brem
Dave Bushing
Dave Klahn
Dave Lawson
Dave Pierce
David Brown
David Denton
David Dorward
David Gurr
David & Susan Karlik
David Krzeminski
Dayle Moyer
Dean Coyle
Dean Gagliardotto
Deb Bamesberger
Debbie le Roux
Delia Fletcher
Dennis Barbour
Dennis Petersen
Dennis Rich
Derek Hadfield
Dharam Damama
Diane Dutcher
Dick DeArmond
Dick Jordan
Dick Presley
Don Callies
Don Dillashaw
Don Hultzman
Don Raker
Don Webster
Donna A. Clayton
Donna Lukas
Donna McMullen
Donnie Bankston
Doug Hamilton
Doug Linzer
Douglas Hess
Douglas Skutt
Doug Soebbing
Doug Whiteman
Dustin Jonasson
Dwain Burkholder
Ed DeVries
Ed Peahota
Ed Manes
Ed Myers
Eldon Hanley
Ellis Brown
Eric Przybyla
Eric Williams
Eric Zurbruegg
Ernie Brown
Ernie Smith
Estate Auctions
Fiona Potter
Floyd Fulk
Fran Daher
Frank from Absecon, New Jersey
Frank Maco
Frank McMath
Frank Morrison
Frank Palma
Frank Potemski
Fred Kelso
Freeman Fisher
Gary Cooper
Gary DelVecchio
Gary Dunbar
Gary Garber
Gary Glass
Gary Haught
Gary Nielsen
Gary Novak
Gary Pries
Gary Primavera
Gary Robinson
Gary Skluzacek
Gayle Bosko
Gene Stramel
Geneva Street Antiques
Geoffrey Ambridge
George Newcomb
George Phillips
George Vacanti
George Young
Gerald Witman
Giancarlo Maranghi
Glenn Marx
Gordon Nielsen
Graham Wood
Greg Cuda
Greg Drocz
Greg Harmon
Greg Hemmer
Guy Nichols
Hal Richardson
Harold Harris
Heinz Mueller
Hendrik Sharples
Henry Burgwyn
Herb Taylor
Hot Toys of Florida
Huey West
Hugo Borst
I Sell Neat Stuff
Isabelle's Antiques Cindy & Ron Long
J. Harold Utley
J. Marcus Fultz
Jack Becaccio
Jack Houseman
Jack Rosenthal
James Ewings
James Kennedy
James McMahon
James Moore
James T. Perry
Jamie Linford
Jan Davis
Jane Sharbach
Janet Van Houten
Janice Batchelor
Jason Reber
Jason J. Torrick
Jay White
Jayme Beique
Jeff & Sharon Suschana
Jeanine Poe
Jed Niederer
Jeffrey Fitzgerald
Jennifer Jones
Jennifer Lemont
Jerry Carney
Jerry Cook
Jerry James
Jerry Lombardo
Jerry Melcher
Jil Sanders
Jim Clowers
Jim Hunt
Jim Fitzpatrick
Jim LaRue
Jim Manning
Jim McMahon
Jim Schleyer
Jim Trever
Jim Turner
Jimbo Williams
Joe Alves
Joe Chapman
Joe Garvey
Joe Muscanere
John M. Bracken
John and Helen Coatney
John Cosgriff
John Guffey
John Hamilton
John Harrison, Jr.
John Hay
John Iannuzzi
John R. Smith
John Hodge
John Iannuzzi
John Isola
John D. Lukacs
John Nichols
Johnny Stacks
John Stuart
Jonathan P. Sullivan
Jon Strebeck
Joseph Burdulia
Joseph Bednarz
Joseph Barone
Joseph Hohmann
Joseph Nagy
Josh Beam
Josie Negrete
Joy Haddad
Judy Sinkular
Julien Cohen
Julien Tessier
KJ Toys (Kerry and Judy Irvin)
Kaedyn Limon
Katrina Hatch
Karen Harper
Kathi Lamb
Kathy Phillips
Ken Baxter
Ken DaSilva-Hill - Objet's Extraordinaire!
Kenny Illges
Ken Mittelsteadt
Ken Rigler
Ken Thompson
Ken Wood
Kevin Derfler
Kevin Hoffman
Kim Barbare
Kim White
Koons Kollectibles
Larry & Marilyn Tanneberg
Larry Johnston
Larry McGrew
Larry Small
Laura Bates
Lauren Tandberg
Leif Svedlund
Lewis Ellman
Linda Kettnerm
Linetta & Ugo Deluca
Louis Casamassa
Louise Utley
Lucille Scott and Vic Arcand
Luke Blatherwick
Luke Goas
Lynn Kessler
McGrath-Kramersmeier from Antiques Plus
Marc Rossen
Mark Blevins
Mark King
Mark Landes
Mark Leinberger
Mark Sangret
Mark Underwood
Marla Moon
Martin Simpson
Marvin Renfro
Mary DeArmond
Matthew Bockemehl
Matthew Cudney
Melvin G. Miller Co., Inc.
Mel Camilli
Merrill Hines
Michael Etheridge
Michael Goddette
Michael Johnson
Michael Linn
Michael McDade
Michael Sheehan
Michael Sopron
Michael Trotochaud
Michelle James
Mick Scheib
Mike Chafin
Mike Dunbar
Mike Garrels
Mike Klug
Mike Lafond
Mike Medich
Mike Merryman
Mike Nichols
Mike Rowe
Mike Seale
Mike Shoen
Mike Tilbrook
Mike Vickery
Mitch Gum
Mitch Mumford
Morphy Auctions
Nathan McCain
Neil Cowen
New England Auction Gallery
Nicki Camp
Norm Sinski
Otis Melvin
Pandur & Levine Auction
Pat Roeder
Paul Barbour
Paul Brenner
Paul M. Bouder
Paul Davi
Paul DeVito
Paul Froncillo
Paul Krings
Paul Panamarenko
Paul Prinzi
Paul St. Pierre
Paul Zimmerman
Perry Turpin
Pete McDermott
Peter Adam
Pete Karp
Peter Limon
Phil Henry
Phil Waller
Phillip Beadham
Power Moves
Phyllis Moraga
Phyllis Nichols
Ralph van der Laan
Randy Ibey
Randy Sykes
Randy Winkler
Raul Robles
Ray Renfro
Ray Wickline
Raymond Harpe
Raymond Slomka
Reggie Fowler
Reneé Pfeiffer
Rex Casner
Rich Freschi
Rich Hall
Richard Aldridge
Richard Hewis
Richard Juergens
Richard Knowles
Richard Marlin
Richard Roth
Richard Simone
Richard Strom
Richard Thomas
Rick Lynch
Rick McQuiston
Rick Paige
Rick Schmaltz
Robbie Fleming
Robert Jackson
Robert Maiers
Robert Nichols
Robert Phelps
Robert Runge
Robert P. Williams
Rob Unkefer
Robert Vadala
Robert Winslow
Robert Young
Rob Vann
Rodney Timms
Roger Stanley
Roland Adams
Roman Rychlik
Ron Doub
Ron Eaton
Ron Ellington
Ronnie McMahon
Rod Hadden
Ron Kelley
Ron Wright
Ronnie Orlowski
Roy Steunenberg
Russ Biner
Ruth Nichols
Sandee Thomas
Sandy Costin
Scott Cunniingham
Scott Cushwa
Scot Peacock
Scott McCollum
Sean Chantler
Sean Weeks
Shane Esmond
Shannon Cole
Shari Hindman
Sharon and Toby O'Brien
Stephen Robson
Steve Arlin
Steve Cohen
Steve Cowherd
Steve Fulford
Steve Gosse
Steve Mull
Steve Sheard
Steve Sheridan
Susan Kenehan
Talley Nichols
Ted Dietrich
Ted Sult
Terry Smith
The Bid Getters
Thomas Lynn
Thomas Druckenmiller
Thomas Wallace
Tim Campi
Tim and Janie Johnson
Tim McCraw
Tim Senior
Tim Tobin
Toby Altfeld
Tom & Sherri Calas
Tom Coates
Tom Janes
Tom McNett
Tom Winge
Tony Potter
Trent Campa
Tristan Wilson
Troy Greenwood
Van Stueart
Vic Wawiorka, Jr.
Vicki Evans
Vicky Griffin
Walt Costa
Wayne Ballard
Wayne Bradbury
Wes Wieder
William C. Blecke
Willy Henson
Zach Otto
504 So Far!

Thanks Gang!

And, of course, my lovely wife Carol for tolerating me at the computer for hours/days/weeks/months/years/centuries!
(I've told you a million times, I never exaggerate!)
This Web Site © Copyright 2025 All Rights Reserved