
 Plaque on side of main Nichols Industries, Inc.
building. Photo courtesy of Bob Terry, our distant cousin! |
These are pages from the Grand Opening Program of
December 10, 1955.


 Click On Photo for Stories (if any!)

 The Nichols Trio! This fine photo was
taken on the Grand Opening Day in 1955. Lewis W. Nichols, Sr. • Talley
W. Nichols • Lewis W. Nichols, Jr. |

 Here's Justin Hunt's
great-grandmother, Oleta Sides Warren, working on the assembly line in 1956.
(The one smiling in the middle!) I can't quite tell what she's working on, but
you can see a bunch of Stallion 45 bullets just behind the box and to its

 Here's her Employee Badge! Both photos by Justin

 STANDING TALL Titled "Human
Statue of Liberty," this image was taken at Camp Dodge in Iowa and used
eighteen thousand men.

FACTS: Base to Shoulder: 150 feet
Right Arm: 340 feet Widest part of arm holding torch: 12 1/2 feet
Right thumb: 35 feet Thickest part of body: 29 feet Left hand
length: 30 feet Face: 60 feet Nose: 21 feet Longest spike of head
piece: 70 feet Torch and flame combined: 980 feet Number of men in
flame of torch: 12,000 Number of men in torch: 2,800 Number of men in
right arm: 1,200 Number of men in body, head and balance of figure only:
2,000 Total men: 18,000 |

Most of this country is quite conservative and has the strong
Judeo-Christian values of our Founding Fathers. There was a time not so long
ago when kids respected their teachers, boys would get in a fight and it was
simply fists and everybody didn't have to be told what to do, for they had
already been taught by their parents. Now we seem to have forgotten our way and
have left the ideals of our parents behind and have changed from a "Melting
Pot" to a "Salad Bowl." We weren't perfect in "The Good Old Days," but there
was obviously a stronger unwritten moral code of ethics. Something has happened
and now the schools are a mess, crime is up, and you don't let your children
roam around town unsupervised. Child abuse is way up, pornography is rampant
and human beings just don't respect human beings like they used to. I'm not
saying that everybody needs to have my particular set of values, but like Job,
I am proud to say that I know that my Redeemer liveth and will stand upon the
earth in the last day. His name is Jesus Christ and if the Christians of this
nation would repent and turn from their ways, there are so many of us that God
would heal our nation and return us to the Glory that once was ours. We would
again become respected by other nations (if feared is what it takes, then
feared is what it TAKES!) and our streets and more importantly, our hearts,
would become clean again and God would write His Word upon our hearts. This
nation is a haven for the Jews, God's Chosen People, the Christians and yes,
all others who will abide by our laws, but should be governed by the
Judeo-Christian Ethic that has served us well for hundreds of years. Please
exhort your fellow citizens to stand up for the Constitution, which I believe
was written by men, but inspired by God Himself. For if we who are paying
attention and love God don't do it, then who will? When you stand up for God,
then you are standing up for your fellow man and yourself and can hold your
head high. |
 — Mike Nichols |

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