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Kilgore, of Westerville, Ohio, was DEFINITELY one of the largest sellers of toy Cap Guns in the old days. They made a lot of quality cap guns and also made a lot of the roll caps. Uncle Talley assisted them in modernizing their equipment that made the roll caps and thus made it more profitable for everybody. Their line of Cap Guns will always remain in the top of the brands that are desirable to collect.

(in Uncle Talley's order)

I could have put this photo of Kilgore boxes on a number of pages, but finally just decided to stick it right at the beginning of the Kilgore section. These are all foam filled and shrink-wrapped. Mighty nice.


From the Chuck Quinn collection.

Kilgore Big Bill
This is a single shot Cap Gun Manufactured by Kilgore. It measures five inches long and is made from Cast-Iron. "Big Bill" is embossed into the frame on the left hand side. Doug says it was originally nickel plated.
All photos thanks to Doug Hamilton
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Kilgore Machine Pistol
We may as well start out with something really weird and that is this Kilgore machine gun (pistol). I have never seen one of these and since it is being added to this website rather late in the game, then it must be reasonably rare.

Photos by Greg Cuda
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Here's an even better photo of this Cap Gun because it has the hand crank.

Photo by Dave Klahn of The Ten Gallon Hat.

Rare Pristine 1955-60 Kilgore Deputy Cap Gun
No matter how you slice it, this is a rare Cap Gun. This one was manufactured by Kilgore sometime between 1955 & 1960. It is a 7-inch long die-cast Cap Gun that has a revolving cylinder & shoots disc caps. All metal gun including the grips. Nickel finish with great engraving. Page 203-TG-137 in the Jim Schleyer Backyard Buckaroos (that you can still get as a reprint from John Bracken!) book. It's not often that you see an absolute mint pristine condition vintage Cap Gun like this that is straight from the end of the assembly line!

Thanks to Doug Hamilton for these photos!
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A Different Kilgore Deputy
Well, another fine collector sent me these photos of a different version of the Deputy. I'm going to have to do a little research on this one, as I haven't seen it before.

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And here's the same basic Deputy (in chrome), but mint on the card.

Photo by Jack Rosenthal of Toys and More.

And here's the same basic Deputy—but in GOLD!!! And mint on the card.

Photo by Chuck Quinn.

Kilgore "BOBCAT" Cap Gun - Detective Style
Here is a small gun so that the little kids could play Detective.

Thanks to Doug Hamilton for these photos!
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Kilgore Buck Cap Gun
This Kilgore Buck is from the 1955-1960 era, which as it turned out to be, was the "Golden Age" of Cap Guns. The grips on this gun are what I think set it apart. High relief and lots of detail.

Many thanks to Mark Leinberger for these photos!
Here is this BUCK Cap Gun in all of its glory, as this example is ABSOLUTELY MINT!!! This particular example is probably better than 99% of the ones coming right out of the factory.

Thanks to Doug Hamilton for these photos!

I realized that I didn't have a very big photo of the Kilgore Buck Cap Gun, so I put this one on here.
Photo thanks to our friend Jack Rosenthal of Toys and More.

This rare boxed set was probably distributed by HALCO, but since the Cap Gun that came in it was a Kilgore Buck, I stuck it here.
Photo thanks to our friend Jack Rosenthal of Toys and More.

Kilgore Mustang
Another fine Kilgore offering, this time a breakdown repeater with white and red grips depicting a mustang.

Photos thanks to Gary DelVecchio

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Kilgore Mustang Tophand Twins Set
This is a super rare Cap Gun set presented as a showcase.

Thanks to Rich Hall of Cap Gun Toys!
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Another Kilgore Mustang
Here is another Mustang offering from our friend Doug. This one has the turquoise grips and is in great shape.

Thanks to Doug Hamilton for these photos!
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And here's a fine pair of mint Kilgore Mustangs, showing both sides of the Cap Guns.

Thanks to our friend Rich Hall for this photo, which I doctored up! (put both guns together)

Kilgore Pinto
Kilgore actually made a very similar Cap Gun to the Mustang, but named it the "PINTO." The barrel is a little different too.

Photos thanks to Steve Arlin one.

Click on the thumbnails for larger photos!

Kilgore Pages
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