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Kilgore, of Westerville, Ohio, was DEFINITELY one of the largest sellers of toy Cap Guns in the old days. They made a lot of quality cap guns and also made a lot of the roll caps. Uncle Talley assisted them in modernizing their equipment that made the roll caps and thus made it more profitable for everybody. Their line of Cap Guns will always remain in the top of the brands that are desirable to collect.

(in Uncle Talley's order)

Kilgore Rebel
Now here's a Kilgore offering that I haven't seen before. A REBEL!!! It originally came in a Johnny Yuma cardboard card. Notice the checkered grips on this fine unfired example.

Photos thanks to Tim Tobin!

Click on the thumbnails for larger photos!

Here's a MOC example of the Cheyenne from Kilgore.

Thanks to Chuck Quinn.

In this photo we see both types of Kilgore Roy Rogers guns that Schleyer calls RR-17. The upper one is nickel plated and the bottom one is in gold. They are 8-inch Cap Guns and have purple swirl horsehead grips.

Thanks to Chuck Quinn.

Kilgore Roy Rogers Gun
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Here is a common Roy Roger repeater by Kilgore from about 1955. As near as I can tell, it is RR-18 in Backyard Buckaroos. This Cap Gun was 9 inches long and had chocolate and tan swirl grips.

Many thanks to Roy Steunenberg!

Here are the Cap Guns with the fancy Roy Rogers double holster set. Notice that the RR logo is on the triangle conchos on both the belt and the holster pockets. This set is from Scott McCollum.

A plain Kilgore Six Shooter which is a simple polished nickel version from Chuck Quinn.

Kilgore Six Shooter
Here is an old example of a cast-iron Cap Gun from before World War II.

Though this gun is not very valuable, it is part of the Kilgore set and therefore very important. The goal of most true collectors is to have an example of every Cap Gun in the series and collecting Kilgore Cap Guns is especially difficult, as they made many different models.
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Here are two composite photos of the early cast-iron Six Shooter versions from Chuck Quinn. Notice that the upper photo has a little ridge above the Circle "K" for Kilgore. I just have to think that the ones in the second photo are slightly later versions.

Kilgore Six Shooter
The Six Shooter came in more than one version. This is the blued version.

Thank you Marla Moon for these photos!

A Kilgore Six Shooter catalog page and an early version from Chuck Quinn.

Here's the composite photo for the second version of cast-iron Six Shooter versions from Chuck Quinn. .

Here's a wonder set of another version of the Kilgore Six Shooter with a Canadian North West Mounted Police rig. This version is the rare blued version with the nickel cylinder.
Photo thanks to Jim Schleyer

Boxes will ALWAYS be hard to come by. This was a long barreled Cap Gun.
Notice on this box that it says that it was manufactured in Canada!

Thank you Braydon Harper for these photos.

And here is the same gun, but American style. Cast-Iron Cap Gun.

Photo by Jerry Carney.

Kilgore Grizzly

Here is a Kilgore Cap Gun that is very much like a long-barrel version of the Bronco (2nd Model).

But, of course, that is still quite legitimate, as almost everybody did it. Saved on tooling costs and designing brains.

I have never seen one of these, but some of you have. I would guess that it is moderately rare!

All photos thanks to Jennifer Lemont.

Another nice Grizzly and box and I apologize, but I can't remember who sent me this one!
The one above this one has black grips, but notice that this one has dark brown grips.

More Grizzly Photos
Okay, I admit it. I'm just a sucker for Doug's photos. He takes such good shots that they are always photos that I would like to see, so I figure you would too.

Thanks to Doug Hamilton for these photos!
You Will Miss Out If You Don't Click On The Thumbnails!

Here's a fabulous gold plated Grizzly from Kilgore with the proper box!
A nice photo from Chuck Quinn.

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