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 The Leslie-Henry Company, of Wilkes-Barre,
Pennsylvania, was one of the best manufacturers of Toy Cap Guns that there ever
was. They not only made for themselves, but also for major distributors, like
Halco. And they were involved with the "Buzz Henry" guns. In this section, to
the best of our ability, we will feature as many Leslie-Henry Cap Guns as we
can put here. Our readers, I hope will send in photos and pertinent information
about the guns.


 This is a nice 11-piece
Texas Ranger outfit from Leslie-Henry. Too bad we can't see everything in
profile, one-at-a-time.
 Thanks to Belinda Quan for these photos.

 And here's a whole other set similar to the one
above, but it seems to be using either HALCO or Buzz Henry Cap Guns—and of
course, a genuine ukulele. Same rifle.
 These photos are
from Jack Rosenthal of Toys and More.

 Here is a very
exhaustive set from Leslie-Henry that is probably a store display, but it has
everything you might think of. Clear up to the rifle.
 Thanks to Gary
Skluzacek for the photo. You can even see his name. He was given it and never
opened it, way back in 1957.

 Leslie-Henry Gene Autry 44 in Gold and Bronze Finishes
And here
is the same Gene Autry 44 version, but this time it is in the Gold finish! A
little more rare. And another thing that is hard to notice, but is still there:
The standard ellipse? Well, it has "L H" on it instead of just the "H" that you
see on the others in this section. That in itself is a little rare.
 Thanks to David Denton. |
And the
same Cap Gun in the bronze finish. Notice that these grips have the horse's
(Champion's, I guess) head on them. |
here's a group of Gene Autry 44's submitted by Bud & Edith Dashiell. Thanks

 This is one of the rarest
boxes you will ever find. (or NOT find!)
 Thanks to Chuck Quinn.

 Here's another good photo of a Gene Autry .44
in bronze. Be sure and always notice the "L-H" in the ellipse. In some Cap Guns
you will only see an "H" in the ellipse on the grips. One of the drawbacks of
this .44 series was that since the cylinder was solid, there was no way in the
world to get smoke to come out the end of the barrel. The advantage of having a
side loader was that the overall strength of the Cap Gun was much

 Now here's the same exact Cap Gun, but in the
gold finish. And a very nice box.
 And another Gene Autry with a different box.
This Cap Gun has the translucent amber grips that we occasionally see.

 This photo shows the above Cap Gun,
but with the side area opened to show that it is a variant that used little toy
bullets. Chuck says these little bullets are VALUABLE. You will also note that
the versions that use the bullets have only an "H" in the ellipse on the grips.
There is also a little more area between the rotating cylinder and the area
just behind it to provide the proper clearance necessary.
 Thanks to Chuck Quinn for these photos.

 This is the same basic L-H .44, but with "BONANZA" on it.
 Photo thanks to
Bob DeFeis

 Here's another photo of the bullets for this Cap Gun and also
Doug holding an open cylinder of the .44—showing the bullets inserted into
it. These bullets ARE NOT cheap!!!
 Photo thanks to Doug Hamilton

 This is a
rather nice (and rare) holster set for Bonanza. Notice the coins on the
 Photo thanks to Al Wilton

 Here's a swell Leslie-Henry Gene Autry 44 with a store display
stand in cardboard. You just try buying one of these for $1.98 these days. I'm
not sure what's it's worth, but I suspect that you have to be a mighty serious
Cap Gun collector to put out enough to get one of these.
 Photo thanks to
Chuck Quinn

U.S. Marshal 44
The "U.S. Marshal" Cap Gun is
distinctly different from the "Marshal" Cap Gun in that it has a different
revolving cylinder and a few other perks.
 Actually it is just like the other 44s
listed above, just with a different name. The one listed here is in the antique
bronze. This version even has the same grips as the Wagon Train model
above. |
Be Sure To Click On The
Thumbnails! Special thanks to Doug Hamilton for these photos! |

 And here's a
couple of more nice photos of this really magnificent Cap Gun by Leslie-Henry.
Notice that Rich's example isn't the bronze version like Doug's above. I like
the big guns. But then again, I like small ones too. Just try selling me a
Nichols Pinto w/ turquoise grips that is gold and in a turquoise clip. I'll
take it.
 Many thanks to Rich Hall.

besides this being a DEAD MINT Cap Gun, I also couldn't pass up putting the box
on here for you folks.
 Many thanks to Chuck Quinn.

 Leslie-Henry Wild Bill Hickok 44
variation of the basic 44 by Leslie-Henry. This one, however, is a little
different from those above, as it is in the nickel plated version.
 Thanks to our
friend David Denton for these photos! |
 I kind of
went "all out" on this photo, size-wise, as it shows such a good close-up of
the 44 (pair) that typifies the Leslie-Henry style of so many "character Cap
Guns." You will also note that these guns have the horse head ivory
 Many thanks to John Cosgriff for this photo. |

Wild Bill Hickok 44
Well, even though you can look
above and get a pretty idea of what this Cap Gun is supposed to look like, you
know by now that I like to add more photos when the photos are really nice and
these definitely are.
 Many thanks to Rich Hall. |
Be Sure To Click On The
Thumbnails! |

Leslie-Henry .44
This is an unusual Cap Gun in
that it is the Leslie-Henry 44, but it isn't dedicated to ANYBODY! Very basic.
Have you seen one?
 These photos are thanks to Doug Hamilton. |
Please Click On Each Thumbnail For An Enlarged
View! |

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