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Mike Nichols
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Rifles have always been VERY popular and so we are compiling most of the rifles that are on other pages of this website. They were made by various companies like Nichols, Hubley, Leslie-Henry, Marx, Mattel and others.

One of their most popular Cap Guns was from The Rifleman television show starring Chuck Connors and Johnny Crawford. It had that special cocking lever so he could really fire quickly. There are several examples on this page.

The Marx Lone Ranger Click Rifle
This rifle was Marx's smaller, 23-inch rifle carbine with Winchester-lever action. This was a clicker-style rifle with die-cast metal hammer. Its most prominent feature was the walnut-type plastic stock with a deeply molded, finely sculptured Indian chief's head and "The Lone Ranger" in gold lettering on the left side of the stock. The right side of the stock has a grizzly bear, also finely molded into the stock. It came with regular rifle barrels and checkering and engraving on the lock and forestock. This came in two patterns: Metallic silver barrels and factory black barrels—with and without a scope.

Photos by Dwain Burkholder

Be Sure To Click On The Thumbnails!

The Marx Lone Ranger Repeating Cap Rifle
Here is the Lone Ranger repeating rifle in its original cardboard scabbard that has been shrink wrapped to protect it. The original graphics are outstanding and a real joy to see. The toy companies back in the day really knew how to attract the children and today it surely attracts us adults. You would be hard pressed to top this in any Lone Ranger collection.

Photos by Jim Mair of Jim's Vintage Toys

Be Sure To Click On The Thumbnails!

Above and below are a couple of FINE photos of a Hubley Rifle. This Hubley Rifle #2029 was made only in 1965. It is a bolt action 250 shot. The stock and foregrip are green in color. The barrel is all metal with a black plastic flash guard. The working mechanism and breech are bright nickel-plated die-cast metal.

Photos by Brian Roeder

Leslie-Henry (HALCO) Wagon Train Scout 5-in-1 Set
Be Sure To Click On The Thumbnails!
This is an ultra rare Wagon Train Scout boxed set. It was made by the M.A. Henry Company for HALCO. It features a 5-in-1 combination rifle. This set not only has a 44 Wagon Train cap pistol, it then turns into a cap pistol with long barrel, Carbine, Rifle without site and finally a complete rifle. The gun even Ricochets! This is the early model Wagon Train 44 that takes the bullets. This may be the ONLY Wagon Scout set known to exist. The cap gun book Backyard Buckaroos shows a regular Wagon Train 5-in-one in a plain box made in the 1957 era. This one has a colorful red, green and white box . The gun is in unfired mint condition. This is a set you may never see anywhere else.

Photos by Scott McCollum. Way to go Scott!

Daisy Smoker Rifle
We could hardly present a more weird gun than this one. A 1958 #961 Daisy Big Smoke Super Play Toy Rifle, Inscribed: "NUMBER 961" "DAISY MFG CO, PLYMOUTH MI USA, US PAT 2729208." Approximate length: 25.5" After it is cocked and trigger is pulled, it makes a loud popping sound. It does not fire projectiles. A quick search says this was manufactured in 1958. All parts look original.

Photos thanks to Reneé Pfeiffer
Be Sure To Click On The Thumbnails!

Hubley Davy Crockett Rifle
This old flintlock must have belonged to Davy himself. Probably somebody found it at the Alamo. Or at least that's where Hubley found it to make a copy.

Photos thanks to Jim Fitzpatrick.
Thanks a bunch!

The Rifleman by Hubley

Right View

The Famous Rifle!

Left View
Be Sure To Click On The Thumbnails!

Above Photos Thanks To Mike Tilbrook
Here is the same Rifleman Cap Gun, but with white "furniture." Yeah I know...the photo is a little overexposed, but I've told you before that it's hard to take photos of Cap Guns and especially this one, as the plastic parts are white, so the camera sees that and has a tendency to overexpose. However, this one is so rare that I don't care. I'll let you in on a little secret too. I airbrushed the barrel of the gun, because the original owner had spray painted it silver. Nutty, huh? But on this website I want you to see what things looked like if the Cap Guns were new, so I did my best.
More Rifleman Photos!
Above Photos Thanks To Norm Sinski
Here's a gold plated Hubley Rifleman! Despite what you might be thinking, it is the same gun, only different lighting.

Thanks to Scott McCollum for the above offering!

Here is the rarest of the rare Hubley Rifleman rifles! A Blue One!!! I have never seen one of these, but this one came from the original owner who bought it back in the 1950's. Some find, huh?

Thanks to Scott McCollum for the above offering!
And now, what in all probability is a prototype built by Leslie-Henry for the Rifleman series, we have a rather unusual rifle that was "saved" by Rob Terry of Wild West Toys. In his words, "Howdy Mike... I really thought folks would like to see this one. This is a one-of-a-kind Diamond H Leslie-Henry 'The Rifleman' cap rifle. I found the die-cast parts in a warehouse and Rich Hall had a broken 'Wagon Train' model that had the plastic stocks and barrels. This Rifle will eject die-cast bullets that were made to use greenie stick-em caps. I am fairly confident that this is a one of a kind. I believe that Leslie-Henry tried for 'The Rifleman' TV show endorsement but it went to Hubley. So the name plates were changed in the Leslie-Henry mold and this mold was used to produce rifles that said 'Wagon Train' or 'Texas Ranger'."

Thanks Bob!
(Prototype photos below by Bob Terry of Wild West Toys!)

More Hubley Rifleman Photos
Well, if you aren't totally CRAZY, you will click on these thumbnails and pull up what I think are the absolute best photos of the Hubley Rifleman ever taken. This Chris Cole is a wonderful photographer and everybody could take lessons from him on how to photograph a Cap Gun. He uses every trick in the book and his lighting is simply impeccable. Most people's lighting is just "peccable," but I suspect he is more than a "drive by" photographer.

Anyway, you know what a sucker I am for photos that are even better than what I already had, so eat it up world: These are for you!
All photos thanks to Chris Cole.
Be Sure To Click On The Thumbnails!

And here is a Hubley Rifleman Flip Top Special rifle with the butterscotch stock. It appears most of the butterscotch Riflemans were sold in Canada.

Thanks to Scott McCollum!

Hubley Frontier Rifle
Here is another Hubley rifle with the box. They really did make a lot of nice Cap Guns.

I hope that you folks will remember that you too can have your favorite Cap Guns on this website. Send the photos in, preferably in 320 x 240 resolution, and we will give you a "plug."

All photos thanks to Eric L. Przybyla
Be Sure To Click On The Thumbnails!
On the left we see the butt plate of this rifle. On the right see the assembly that holds the caps and has been dropped down to reload. Sort of a fancy mechanism wouldn't you say?

Hubley Lone Ranger Rifle
Here's a unique Hubley rifle from the 1970's.

Thanks to Rich Hall

Here is basically the same rifle, but a few years later when Hubley sold out to Gabriel. The Cap Gun Days were OVER! But this example is quite hard to find anyway.

Thanks to Scott McCollum!

Here's a TV show-inspired rifle by Hubley, Kelly's Rifle from Overland Trail.

Thanks to Scott McCollum

Hubley Sportsman
Rifle w/Scope
Here's another Hubley rifle offering,
but with a scope!

Photos thanks to Mark Sangret

Well, if you can remember Steve McQueen as Josh Randall on the TV series Wanted: Dead of Alive, then you are definitely "Over The Hill." Hey, I remember it well. And it wasn't even one of the oldest westerns! It was strange how many good lawmen gave Josh a hard time, even though he was rounding up the Bad Guys a lot faster than they were!

Thanks a lot to Dan Morphy of Morphy's Auctions for this fine photo!

You will notice that this rifle is called a "Mare's Laig" rifle-pistol. That was one of the trademarks of the TV series that set it apart from all of the other shows, actually. Steve had a different kind of gun.
Some fine shots of another example of the Mare's Laig rifle that was carried by Josh Randall.
This particular one is a miniature Mare's Laig and is 5-1/2" long. Marx was famous for their miniatures. Depending on your screen size and the resolution, the example on your screen might be larger than the original Cap Gun.

These photos by Bob Garvey. Thanks Bob!

Steve McQueen was the epitome of COOL and here is a fabulous shot of him wearing his "Mare's Laig," spurs, boots and working on his race car. It just doesn't get any better than this.

Photo thanks to Wes Wieder

Well here's certainly a fine offering from Marx! These are "Marx Miniatures" that have been framed with the Western Hero and a miniature of their favorite shootin' iron. I especially am fond of Annie Oakley, whose real name was Phoebe Ann Mosey. Folks, she was THE REAL THING!!! One of the big stars in Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show. I love her story.

All photos thanks to Don Raker

Roy Rogers Rifle
This is a plastic cap shooting Roy Rogers rifle made by Marx. The cap mechanism is metal. It's a Winchester with checkered engraving, octagonal barrel & a pistol grip.
These photos thanks to Willy Henson

Roy Rogers Winchester Rifle Model 71
This rifle is the model like Roy's Model 71 Winchester. This cap rifle is 34 inches long.

Another fine offering from Don Raker.
Please Click On Each Thumbnail For An Enlarged View!

All photos thanks to Don Raker!

The First Nichols Rifle - The Spit-Fire

How's this for a rarity? A copper-plated Nichols Spit-Fire. Not many of these around!

Photo thanks to Robert Nichols

You seldom see a Spit-Fire without the forestock! This is a late model that is more representative of the Kusan/Nichols days. I don't see "Spit-Fire" on the right side of this rifle, do you?

Photo thanks to Robert Nichols

And here is a contribution sent in of a non-forestock Spit-Fire that is blued!
Photo thanks to Herb Taylor

This is a rather rare version of the Spit-Fire that is blued and has dark walnut furniture. The lever, hammer, forestock clip, trigger and Circle "N" are also gold.

Photo thanks to Jim Turner

Here's a nice example of the Stallion 300 Saddle Gun. This one has an almost brand new box! The little white clip is a bullet clip, which in itself is quite rare. You can see the selector switch on the right side of this gun.

Nichols Model 94 Carbine
Folks, this is another one of those Cap Guns that is super rare! Most people will never own this one and that is not because they don't want one, it is because there just aren't many out there! And to rub alcohol into a cut, Rich just happens to have a beautiful one that is still on the card! From the "Rich Hall Smithsonian."

All photos thanks to Rich Hall

Model 95 and Box

Left Third

Middle Third

Right Third
This is the RAREST OF THE RARE Nichols Rifle Cap Guns. Only a few people in the world own this rarity and to rub salt into a wound, Rich has the box and a couple more of them too!

Please Click On Each Thumbnail!

All photos thanks to Rich Hall

Some nice photos of a Fury 500 machine gun set in museum mint quality. On these various rifles, be sure to look on their individual pages for more information, as there is a lot more text plus a lot more photos.

Many thanks to John Guffey for these photos. Be sure to click on thumbnails.

This is the last rifle that is in Uncle Talley's book. The Tommy gun is small. It measures 20" long and 5-1/8" tall.

Nichols Stallion Caps and Roll Caps

Since the Tommy Gun is one of those guns that uses roll caps, this is probably as good a place as any to tell a little about the caps used in Nichols Industries Cap Guns. (the following basic story is by Robert Nichols)
I am not sure who came up with the 50 roll cap first, but I don't think it was Nichols Industries. This is a part of the history I don't know, but I'm sure Jim Sheyler would know (See: Backyard Buckaroos his famous AUTHORITATIVE book on Cap Guns). Our Dad's (Lewis and Talley), after introducing the single shot Silver Pony, shortly afterward came out with the Silver Mustang. It was a 50 roll cap repeater as you know. At this point however, I don't think they introduced the first 50-count cap roll. We never heard any stories about them creating the idea of roll caps; it was already out there and still is the standard of the industry. In trying to develop a truly realistic gun they did a leap frog past the roll caps to the round cap (with the introduction of the Stallion 45) and had patents on it which they defended in court and won. This is about the time they developed a relationship with Al Cohen of fireworks fame to produce the caps.

The Nichols Industries tool shop had to produce and engineer the equipment for Al, but Al produced the caps. Because of the patents, no one else outside their control was allowed to produce them. They began producing a progressing variety of round cap guns with occasionally 50 roll caps models. This era included the pellet firing series. As the industry began to decline, they created the larger count rolls. —RN

This is the trigger/magazine assembly—extended up. The barrel is pointed down. This gun has never been fired.

This is the trigger/magazine assembly—extended up. The barrel is pointed left.

This Lone Ranger Rifle was a Mattel Shootin' Shell Rifle! That is, it actually shot little plastic pellets that were similar to the Nichols-style pellets that were used in the Derringer, Stallion Model 61, Buccaneer and Detective.

This rifle is 26" long and it has a metallic sticker on the right side of the stock. This is a rare model and makes a mighty nice prize for the owner.

These two photos thanks to Frank from Absecon, New Jersey!
These two photos thanks to Kim Mlynarski.

Mattel "Winchester" Saddle Gun
This is the Mattel "Winchester" Saddle Gun. This one is in almost mint condition and has the original box. This Cap Gun has the rapid fire feature. It loads and ejects the Mattel play bullets and uses perforated roll caps.

All photos thanks to Rich Hall, one of the greatest collectors in the hobby. You ought to check our Collections Page to see more of his collection.
Be Sure To Click On The Thumbnails!

How's this for a pretty spectacular set? It includes the snub nosed 38 listed above and a Tommy Gun that almost looks real. And for a kid to play with??? Well, you have to understand; in "the good old days" we weren't afraid of our children and children were actually taught Right and Wrong and the police were respected!!! Ahhhhh, fond memories! (I combined 2 of Ken's photos.)

Thanks to Ken Thompson for this photo.

Mattel Tommy Burp Machine Gun
At first glance you would think this is the exact same toy gun as the one above, but it isn't. In this case, the photos are so nice that I probably would want to put them here anyway, but this one has a different name and is not a set.

These photos are thanks to Roy Steunenberg.
Be Sure To Click On The Thumbnails!

Mattel Dick Tracy Tommy Burst Cap Gun Set
Here's another variation of the Thompson 45 sub-machine gun by Mattel. This one is in C-10 perfect condition too!!!

Be Sure To Click On The Thumbnails!

All Photos Thanks To Mike Sheehan

Another offering from Mattel in their series of plastic machine guns!

Photos by Bob Garvey

Mattel Colt Shootin Shell Six Shooter Cap Gun Rifle
From the Mattel Colt Shootin Shell series, here is a genuine Mattel Colt Shootin' Shell Six Shooter Cap Rifle.
Be Sure To Click On The Thumbnails!

These photos are thanks to Judy Sinkular.

Here is the Mattel "Crackfire" Winchester rifle. This toy makes a "crackfire" sound when it shoots. This version has the gold toned lever action and trigger.

Thanks to Mark Sangret for this photo


Here is a Cap Gun Machine Gun that doesn't quite fall into any other category, so I put it here.

Photos thanks to Jim Manning!

And another offering by our buddy Jim Manning! This is a Topper Johnny Eagle Skeet Shooter cap rifle. These are not seen that much and they look like an over and under shotgun. They break open like a real shotgun with a lever on top of the receiver. It shoots roll caps. They have a simulated engraved receiver and a dog on the stock. These came in a set with a trap and clay type birds you shot at.

Photos thanks to Jim Manning!

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